
"The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes." - Abraham Lincoln

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance." - James Madison

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing.  The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented.  Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." – Sir Josiah Stamp (former President of the Bank of England)

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws." - M.A. Rothschild

Etymology of MONEY: "one eye", or singular, limited vision

A Dangerously Primitive Tool
Economies are constantly changing all over the planet, but not enough people understand how the whole system works.  It’s safe to say we all want what’s best for the maximum amount of people.  Yes, Iceland, Switzerland, and others have come up with some slight improvements.  But things are so fundamentally convoluted that sometimes new ideas which seem positive often have terrible consequences (because they only SEEM new, but are really just more of the same).  For example, even during such downturn, stagflation, depression, or whatever you call the current atmosphere, corporations and stocks still hit record highs.  Some people think that’s a good sign.  But knowing the derivatives market is measured in QUADRILLIONS of dollars (20 times the entire global GDP), the fallacy of money becomes painfully clear.  There are even proposals for a “world currency” which will further consolidate power, much like the euro.  But did that “fix” Europe?  No, because forced scarcity, inequality, competition, greed, and corruption are inherent in, and directly proportional to ALL monetary systems due to the fact that it's not really what we need!  This has been true throughout history whether under communism, capitalism, socialism, feudalism, fractional reserve banking, fiat money, etc.  They’re all based on the same ancient model of a few people at the top of a perceived "pyramid of power", which doesn't actually exist (or only does in peoples' minds).  Any solution within the same false structure merely delays its inevitable collapse and perpetuates the same problems.

It’s time to try a newer, more realistic and efficient model.  If your old house is falling apart, do you just slap on some support beams and a new coat of paint?  Or do you build a newer, better house with modern means and materials?  We’ve all been trained to think, “How much does it cost?”  The real question is, “Do we have the resources?”  Yes, they are abundant; but they are being mismanaged and controlled by those who suffer from an addiction to money, which is a false/artificial resource!  Are our problems starting to make sense?  Better solutions will NOT come from those at the "top" of a false financial pyramid.  When you understand that money isn't really what matters, then what power do they have?  Would you trust a heroin addict to come up with his own treatment plan?  (Of course it would be "more heroin"!)  It’s quite sad when you realize that money is irrelevant, and has no referent in the physical world; but it's also personally empoweringThis system rewards people for simply moving paper/digits around and arbitrarily making more of it without producing anything of real value.  Like everything else we don’t need, it is sold to us both subliminally and overtly.

Remember “The Matrix”?  It’s a great metaphor for the world economy.  When you see it for what it really is, it’s both impressive and terrifying: a complex and deceptive system of control designed to suck people dry.  It uses the ancient tactic of “divide and conquer” and keeps us consuming, competing, drugged, and distracted.  Police and other agents are used to protect and serve the system and arrest those who do not conform to it.  We’re all indoctrinated into it, and many public figures who try to “awaken” others are either bribed, discredited, or eliminated.  Then history is altered through privately-owned media to keep us ignorant, and docile.  (Few know that the “liberation” of slaves and women was funded by bankers.  Why wouldn’t they publicize that?  They had adapted a better method of subjugation, and those large segments of the population weren't paying taxes or interest.)  Slavery was never abolished; it was diversified and transplanted into peoples' minds.  Money and debt are much less obvious than chains and shackles, and are designed to seem more like a game.  It’s the same principle behind casinos; they give us tokens to play with, but the game is rigged.  True, more of us have a higher standard of living now; but that’s NOT thanks to money, rather to improvements in technology and information, which are related.  They have grown exponentially (along with population), currently causing crashes all over the world because the old system is obsolete.  That’s how evolution works.

The empire is crumbling.  We have the ability to build a much better system; however money, politics, and other old ways of thinking are holding us back.  This is such an exciting time of transition; unfortunately under ANY financial model, things will continue to worsen.  In summary, the increase of nearly every kind of problem in this world (scarcity, war, famine, disease, crime, slavery, etc.) is directly related to a monetary system.  To the extent it is not overcome and outgrown, these “social cancers” will continue to spread.  Of course, knowing you have cancer doesn't mean you know what to do about it.  If you want solutions, either for yourself or others, research things like "resource-based economy" and "The Venus Project".  If you don’t understand them, ask questions.  If you don’t agree with them, I wish you luck finding better ways.  And if you do, please let me know about them; but not if they use money!  ("Alternative" banking systems and digital currency are the same thing in newer packaging.)

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