
Etymology: "wisdom"

This is going to be difficult for some to understand, but technically there is no such thing as "science".  Really, all our words are subjective, limited reflections of our backgrounds/experience/information.  There's actually no such thing as a lot of words people use, that's just their current level of thinking.  Science is essentially a new religion or god, something people have absolute reverence for and belief in.  They worship it, not recognizing that like all words and language, it means different things to different people.  Science to one, is propaganda to another.  A lot of experiments and data that people site are very limited, corrupted, or edited, making people think things are a certain way; when really they are not.

When someone says "this is science", or "that's science", what they really mean is "that's my information".  But that doesn't mean they are right.  In fact, there really isn't such a thing as "right or wrong" either; not in an absolute sense anyway.  There's just different information in different areas.  Some "scientists" know quite a lot about certain things, but less about others.  It's both rewarding and disturbing to learn that your heroes and teachers have essentially been lying to people.  It means you've outlearned them, but also that they have misled you and many others.  Of course, now I see the valuable lesson that no one knows it all; you can only know more.  This is why it's important not to worship anyone or anything, but rather everyone and everything; for they are all part of creation/reality.  We're all just pieces in the same infinite puzzle!

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