
We're all poisoned and polluted to different degrees.  Not just our food, water, and air, but also our information/media...all full of unhealthy, toxic garbage.  (The good news is that knowing this leads to changing it; hence "knowledge is power".)  The quality of the above categories, which fall under the broader category of life/energy/resources, both affect and reflect our own quality.  Improving these things is how to improve ourselves.  KNOW YOUR SOURCES.  To whatever extent possible, research their background/influences.  REsearch means to look again.  Re-examine your current sources and behaviors; odds are they're outdated.  Many people support very poor groups and ideas just because they are familiar and haven't learned anything new.  Evolution requires constant evaluation and measurement.

Of course technology is a valuable tool, as it improves our measurement and range.  Even cheap instruments like TDS and PH meters are actually very valuable in terms of showing you the quality of your water, which is of fundamental importance to our health.  Play around/experiment with different sources available to you; you may be surprised, as I was ;)

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