
First and foremost, my purpose of this blog is to help others.  I hope to do this by spreading important information I have researched that I believe can benefit all people.  I know that I am not special.  In fact, it has encouraged me to learn that people all over the world already know many of these facts and so much more.  But there aren’t enough yet, and every voice is another step toward progress.  I assure you that I will say things along the way that many won't agree with or be able to understand.  Based on my intention, it should be clear that I do not wish to patronize or offend anyone, as I have no control over what individuals already know or think; just as it should be clear that I am not doing this for the sake of money.  On the contrary, I simply wish to share with others the applicable knowledge I have learned because it applies to every person who shares this planet.  We all want such similar things, yet are divided by different information and opinions.  But if everyone has an opinion, does that mean everyone is right about everything?  I welcome intelligent and polite discourse, but remember that labels, name-calling, and judgment arrest knowledge.

As a generalist, I will be discussing topics such as money, love, crime, religion, politics, sports, language, pop-culture, history, aliens, etc.  Most people have experience in these fields, but not everyone has the time or interest to delve into these subjects more thoroughly, or understand how they are all connected.  Over the course of my studies, it was daunting, humbling, and discouraging to learn how little I actually knew, and how much I still don’t.  Then I realized that with each new piece of information, the world became more clear, and I became more empowered.  Many times along the way, my position on a topic was changed, and at first, I thought this made me too pliable and capricious.  I’ve always been skeptical of other people and ideas, but skepticism is useless if not applied to ourselves as well.  Questioning new ideas is not enough; we must also re-examine the old ones.  Otherwise we go through life believing something false or outdated, which causes us to distort or reject new ideas. This is especially dangerous in an age of such insular lifestyles and media.  Hence the core strength of generalism; in order to better understand how the world works, we must examine many different sources of information, and cannot focus or obsess on a limited area.  Of course I respect the work of specialists, but by excelling in one subject, we miss out on valuable knowledge in others.  Artists may be talented in their medium, but that doesn’t mean they know anything about history.  Mathematicians may be skilled with numbers, but perhaps don’t even understand how their own brain functions, which is what enables them to calculate in the first place.  Judges and lawyers may be well-versed in court cases and tactics, but do they know how to reduce criminal behavior?  If they did, what would be their purpose?

I'm not here to help or promote any particular group, but ALL people.  Different labels and identities divide us; but the truth is we are all united whether we know it or not.  That's the power of knowledge; it enables us to see that, to understand and feel connected to everyone and everything regardless of our perceived differences.  I look forward to sharing that feeling and perspective with others to whatever extent I can, as well as hearing those of others, which is how we learn and grow.


  1. I enjoy this and will share. keep going...

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the encouragement. You keep going too; educating ourselves and others is key.
