ET's, aliens, UFO's

Welcome to my newest and most favorite subject thus far: extra-terrestrials.  Many have known about them for a long time, and a growing number like myself are just becoming more aware thanks to the evolutionary power of the internet.  Such advanced biology, technology, knowledge (the similarity of those words reflect their relation).  In the few years I've been studying these inter-galactic, inter-dimensional beings, my perspective has been fundamentally upgraded.  Which makes sense, as clearly those who travel the stars know more than those who can't.  I now see the "pre-alien" version of me as ignorant and inferior, and clearly there are many others who are still in the dark.  And what's the point of learning secrets of reality if you don't share them with others?  So let's get to it!

"Abduction" is often adoption!

This video is labeled "creepy"; but like all things, that is subjective.  Some think spiders and snakes are creepy, while others see them as fascinating and beautiful.  Only those without more perspective or information label and judge things negatively.  I find this video exciting and awesome!  This kid clearly wanted to go with these beings, who I would describe as liberators and teachers, given the quantity/quality of knowledge they apparently transmitted.  Think about it: if abduction is your agenda, you don't want to leave evidence behind, much less volumes of it!

To be clear, SOME abduction is against peoples' will.  There are those with darker intentions; but they are so selfish/negative that they do not give advanced warning or exchange valuable knowledge when taking their victims.  There was a lot of energy put into just this one person; and the effort does not match the reward if this was abduction.  He was clearly targeted, but in a helpful, more positive way.  Kidnappers don't give a pile of gold to the families of their victims!

My extrapolation is that this young man was of a similar vibration as the beings who found him (which is how they were able to find him).  They understood his suffering on this relatively lower-density planet, and felt obliged to free and adopt him into their higher-density culture.  But instead of just taking him without giving anything back, they felt they could help others to some degree by leaving advanced knowledge.  From his perspective, he wanted to let people know he's with friends in a better place, and to teach what he learned from them.  Based on what I could decipher with my limited view, it looks to be inter-dimensional physics, philosophy, history, etc.  I keep finding more and more examples of this, which keeps adding to my own understanding, vibration, and excitement!


Alien Interview:
Is this real, fake, or both?  Whatever you think depends on your information/experience.  Some may wonder how it could be both.  A common counter-intelligence tactic is to create fake versions of real things to misdirect some people (mock evidence).  Therefore, fake videos of real events are both in different ways.  The best copies/forgeries come from original works.  Programs such as Project Blue Book are part disclosure, part misdirection.

According to my extensive research, many events like this have happened.  The internet is helping bring such secrets to light, but there is still darkness.  Whoever is behind these responses has accurate knowledge of "the grays", as well as inter-dimensional travel and consciousness.  So IF this is a fake, it's a damn good one.  And if it's real, it's even more significant.

(I apologize if you feel fear, confusion, disgust, or other negative emotions from this video.  If you do, that simply reflects lack of context, information, experience, etc.  When you have those things, the negative reactions become more positive; hence the power of knowledge!)

What do you mean "we"? As if anyone can speak for all people. Many of us HAVE found alien life, and it's all around! But you won't find it in sports, politics, or many of the other distractions that keep people in the dark. I guess the Washington Post doesn't watch the news ;)

When I was younger, I lived for movies.  Now, few excite me.  This is one of those rare few.  From my perspective (and I've met him), Dr. Greer is of historical significance.  In a very real sense, he is helping this culture evolve by raising consciousness/awareness and bringing to light all kinds of interesting and relevant things that have been kept in the dark for many.  Like others, he is bringing people out of that darkness of ignorance with the power of knowledge, which is right in the title of the film:

Los Angeles 11/7/15

First, this is neither news, nor a UFO.  It's only news if you aren't aware of the MASSIVE amounts of these phenomena that have been happening all over this planet throughout history.  And UFO is simply an old military word used to keep people thinking they are "unidentified".  This is an alien ship displaying properties of trans-dimensional physics (ionization is particularly noticeable at night).  Of course, some military are claiming it's a missile, because that's what they've been doing for a long time: simultaneously stealing their technology and credit for some of their appearances (not ALL military, just some behind them who use soldiers for their personal interests).
Second, I have a theory/feeling that Los Angeles is actually named for the large amount of alien activity in the area.  (Apparently there are several subterranean bases in the oceans and mountains around this city, and "angels" is simply an old word for some of the friendlier ones.)

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