Sunday, March 31, 2013

What if you're wrong?

This is a great blog from a really cool guy: my uncle!  It's about perspective and how being wrong is an essential part of learning more about yourself and the world.  Take a minute and post your story if that appeals to you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Improved Health

Food is basically a vessel through which we get nutrients that allow us to live and function.  We rely on it to maintain the structure and chemical energy of our bodies.  I love cooking and eating, but mostly for the traditional social role it plays in our lives.  It can also be incredibly time-consuming, expensive, and wasteful.  Science is constantly discovering new, more efficient and effective methods for achieving better results.  Think about how "crazy and futuristic" vitamins would have seemed at one point; now they are common.  This then, is simply another evolution of consumption:
Blog: How I Stopped Eating Food

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Still kicking ass at 97!

Happy Birthday to my hero, and one of the most incredible people to ever live.