
If you see the truth, value, love, and service in what I share, here is your opportunity to donate to my continued efforts.  We are all helping each other in different ways, and I appreciate any financial offerings in recognition of my work, dedication, and insights.

Information is like food for the mind; the better the quality, the healthier we are.  In this culture, both our food and media have been poisoned, manipulated, and controlled to an incredible extent.  People have different degrees of awareness of this key source of our collective challenges we face.  I can't give you food through this site, but I can give you guidance and information.

Learning and sharing what I learn are my greatest passions.  If I was a teacher in a school, both my audience and information would be more limited.  This is the power of independent research: no one can tell me what to study or write.  Doing this has exponentially expanded my understanding of how things work, why they are the way they are, and how to make them better.  Thus, I've become an exceptional source of perspective compared to many who struggle in life.  Their issues are caused by both poor nutrition and information, which are equally important for a healthy body and mind.

Ignorance can be stressful, confusing, debilitating, and deadly.  If you get lost in the woods and do not know if certain plants are edible, you could either starve or be poisoned.  Therefore, this blog is a public service that provides more clarity and wisdom to those who view it.  From this comes more peace, stability, health, and action in both individuals and society as a whole.  So I offer my work for free, as it is cruel to keep others from what they need with a barrier of money.  But this culture hasn't outgrown money yet; so until it does, I accept it in exchange for my service.

Knowledge is priceless, invaluable, powerful, transforming, enlightening, etc.  The more we have, the more everything makes sense, the clearer things are, the greater our contributions, the better we behave.  Which is why I give mine away for free instead of charging people for it like most schools.  Any culture that actually wants to grow and improve does NOT keep people from knowledge without paying for it first.  It is distributed freely with the understanding that the more people know, the more they can do and the better off we all are.

Of course, not everyone will see what I share as true or accurate.  Because of all the misinformation and varying awareness of people, many will see what I share as the misinformation.  They will think I am crazy, a liar, an agent, a fool.  But that's OK; I know there are others who recognize the truth, love, and service that I offer.

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