Friday, August 16, 2013

Brilliant Short Film

If I could make films, I'd make one like this.  It's short, poignant, and speaks to all people.  Its prime point of appeal is "Game of Thrones", but really it's about all forms of entertainment.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


To those who still believe they live in a democracy, did you vote for this?  Did you even know about it?  Don't take my word for it, look it up.  If this was somehow for our benefit, they would promote it.  The fact that the media is not covering it should tell you something.  Historically, this is not a good sign.  Secrecy is only ok if someone is planning a surprise party; in most other cases it is used to hide deviance.  Government secrecy is not for our protection; it is for theirs. 

Would you stay in a relationship with someone who lies, cheats, steals, is violent, and sells you out?  Then why believe in a government like that?  Parties/individuals are irrelevant; they are all subject to the same corrupt system.  They fail us continuously, but pander and tell us they love us.  We're in an abusive, neglective, submissive relationship, and this act is a red flag.  What is it called when someone keeps doing the same thing expecting different results?

People only stay in unhealthy relationships when they don't know there are better options out there.  Fortunately, there are "plenty of fish in the sea".  The Venus Project, Open Source Ecology, Atlas Initiative Group, The Zeitgeist Movement, and many more.  Support whichever one appeals to you.  Unlike government, they are trying to build a better future using modern methods and means for the benefit of all people, not just a select few.  These globally conscious groups recognize that some tools perpetuated for centuries are no longer working, and are holding us back.  It is not a revolution; it's an evolution.  It is time to change, or be changed.