Saturday, October 19, 2013

Want to improve your relationships?

The title of this video is inadequate.  It is partly about anger, but mostly about love and relationships.  Some useful perspective on these concepts that everyone seems to think they understand so well, despite much evidence to the contrary.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

On the government shutdown

Many people won't understand this, as they are too indoctrinated/dependent upon these ancient systems...but this is further evidence of the irrelevance/obsolescence of both politics and money. To the extent we keep using them, we are damning ourselves to repeat history over and over, as they are inferior problem-solving tools compared to science and technology. So we can either keep the current model based on controlled scarcity, ignorance, and stratification (which most people seem to be unhappy with), or we can build a new one designed to increase abundance, freedom, and equality through intelligent resource management.