Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hope For The Future

Seriously considering moving here.  Sure it's not perfect, but it is unquestionably more evolved than this primitive place!  Further investigation, required...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Science proves money retarded

"Conventional economics is a form of brain damage... Economics is so fundamentally disconnected from the real world, it is destructive."
Why is this? Because money is literally a retarding old tool of our ancestors. Does this help to explain why our world has so many problems? But let's look on the bright side; science has identified a major source of our collective woes: the fact that we are still using money in such a different world than when it originally evolved. Such extreme obsolescence produces catastrophic results for our species and planet. It is not the only source of our problems, but it is a major one. How can a modern, global society thrive using stone-age tools and ideas? It can't, and thus we have the world today, wasted by humans for imaginary profit. But again, there is good news: as science has identified the problem, it also provides the solution. It's called a resource-based economy, and it is a system that runs on the powerful combination of science and technology. This is the key to a brighter future. Why keep using this ancient, primitive monetary-labor system that holds us all back, when a newer, better one has been developed that propels us forward?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Government of the Future

You know how "Watson" has beaten every Jeopardy player with its incredible database of information that it can access with super speed and accuracy?  No human can match such collective knowledge and performance.  So why still rely on people for answers and leadership?  Meet CorCen, short for Correlation Center.  This "government of the future" is a decentralized cybernated resource management system (which is the primary function of government).  By relegating this ancient and difficult job to newer, more capable machines, everything would run much better for EVERYONE.  Just like when we replaced human labor with sewing and washing machines, farm equipment, traffic lights, GPS, automated tellers, transportation, and factories, etc.  Welcome to the future ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

True Wealth and Wisdom

Which is the richer man: one who will never be happy no matter how much money he has, or one who is already happy because he is free from that burden and false concept?  We'd all be so much richer in a Resource-Based Economy, especially those who have been tricked into valuing money above what really matters.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Positive Social Change

In other news, thanks to technology like satellites and the internet, awareness is slowly overcoming ignorance.  Thanks to technology like computers and robotics, automation is replacing human slavery.  This higher degree of intelligence, connectivity, productivity, and freedom is a powerful combination that is breaking down old man-made borders, divisions, ideas, and systems at an accelerating rate.  Those still trapped in that crumbling framework will not be as optimistic, since they can't see outside of it.  But an emergent, more able and adaptable social structure is forming that may very well save this primitive species and planet, or at the very least prolong them.  Observing and participating in this evolution is inspiring and rewarding :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A future holiday?

Happy Birthday to possibly the most brilliant, important person of our time. He only spent his entire life developing a new socioeconomic system to replace this old one that plagues and preys upon our species and planet. No big whup ;)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mini Political Rosetta Stone

An abridged translation for understanding world politics (a big part of which is understanding semantics):

Politics (like money, religion, and many other things), is a system by which a tiny percentage of the population (approx. <.000001%) controls a large percentage of the population.  Like these other systems, it has its own language that must be decoded to be better understood.  In order to understand any system, we must look both inside and outside of it by studying all other interrelated ones.  By following the trail of study through history, economics, behavior, communication, and other relevant areas, only then can we start to get a better understanding of how the world/reality works.  Politics is part of the problem.  And solving problems by doing the same things over and over is madness.  As always, the best solutions come from relevant science, technology, and education.  Learn how they've been combined to make politics, and many other problems obsolete.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Forget the Oscars, watch this...

As an LA transplant and former movie addict, I used to enjoy the Academy Awards (which are happening today).  Fortunately, I've grown and learned a lot since then.  Movies like this are the ones that deserve to be rewarded and promoted.  Why aren't they?  Because they are too informative.  The Oscars are about selling fantasy, not reality.  They are a celebration of escapism, entertainment, emotion, and distraction.  Do any of these solve our problems?  People who are busy discussing "12 Years a Slave" either have no idea that they are slaves themselves, or they don't know what to do about it, otherwise that is clearly what they would be discussing.  The drama and horror stories of the future will be about today's society.  This short film gives a better understanding and perspective how it works and what to do about it.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Automation and Abundance

TVP Magazine - issue #7

My own conclusion about this issue:  Thanks to science and technology, we have already evolved into an emergent society, whereby change will continue to occur more rapidly.  (In less than a generation we have gone from 3D printing to 4D.)  Unfortunately we are still running things according to a primitive, established society, using systems, tools, and traditions from thousands of years ago as if they were still relevant.  To the extent we do not adapt to this increasing change by constantly learning about new developments, we stagnate, suffer, and die in a state of ignorance, obsolescence, and slavery to the past.  No less than the fate of our species and planet are at stake.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Workers of the world...Relax!

Since we only project according to our limited information, some people may imagine this will bring about the end of society, when in reality it is signaling the beginning of a newer, better, freer one.  An argument against it is an argument for the continued enslavement of our species through the current work paradigm.  It is not suggesting we don't work on anything, but that if we change what we work on to things that are more interesting, relevant, and fulfilling, we would be far more productive, creative, and happy.  Is that so radical a notion?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Great Film

This documentary gives us a glimpse into the future by showing us technology that exists today.  The more current information we have, the more we can extrapolate where we are heading.  Sadly, many people aren't aware of many recent developments, preventing them from understanding how they can and will be used.  Knowledge is power ;)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Call for humanity

I find most poems to be subjectively abstract garbage that reflect ignorance and weakness.  This one is not.  The fact that I've even posted it should say something about its quality.  I hope it inspires.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Poverty is "Fantastic"

A rare and valuable insight into the ignorance of power.  These are the people we need to educate most.  (If you want to change the course of the flock, focus on the shepherds, not the sheep.)  The rich and powerful only understand economics and human behavior from their limited, insular perspective.  They use money and people; but they only know how they work for them, as they are far removed from any negative effects of their actions.  They think, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander", without understanding that the inverse is also true (what's good for the gander is also good for the goose).  They think they are so smart because they are successful in this system, which they mistakenly identify as "theirs".  But because they are so reinforced by it, they fail to recognize that this system evolved out of the ignorance and scarcity of our ancestors.  This is where most of our problems come from, as these primitive conditions are passed down through the tools, structures, institutions, and traditions of this ancient global empire.  The rich and powerful will keep perpetuating this obsolete system (that is bad for us, them, and our planet) until they are shown newer, more beneficial ways of operating.  If this does not happen, the degradation of our species and world will continue.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A must-read

This article/issue is important.  If you find any of the images difficult or "graphic", just relax; that is a sign of gaining perspective.
"The Ugliness of Beauty"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, BUT...

Wishing people a happy new year is not nearly as fulfilling as working to give them happier lives.