Thursday, January 30, 2014

Call for humanity

I find most poems to be subjectively abstract garbage that reflect ignorance and weakness.  This one is not.  The fact that I've even posted it should say something about its quality.  I hope it inspires.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Poverty is "Fantastic"

A rare and valuable insight into the ignorance of power.  These are the people we need to educate most.  (If you want to change the course of the flock, focus on the shepherds, not the sheep.)  The rich and powerful only understand economics and human behavior from their limited, insular perspective.  They use money and people; but they only know how they work for them, as they are far removed from any negative effects of their actions.  They think, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander", without understanding that the inverse is also true (what's good for the gander is also good for the goose).  They think they are so smart because they are successful in this system, which they mistakenly identify as "theirs".  But because they are so reinforced by it, they fail to recognize that this system evolved out of the ignorance and scarcity of our ancestors.  This is where most of our problems come from, as these primitive conditions are passed down through the tools, structures, institutions, and traditions of this ancient global empire.  The rich and powerful will keep perpetuating this obsolete system (that is bad for us, them, and our planet) until they are shown newer, more beneficial ways of operating.  If this does not happen, the degradation of our species and world will continue.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A must-read

This article/issue is important.  If you find any of the images difficult or "graphic", just relax; that is a sign of gaining perspective.
"The Ugliness of Beauty"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, BUT...

Wishing people a happy new year is not nearly as fulfilling as working to give them happier lives.