Thursday, February 27, 2014

Automation and Abundance

TVP Magazine - issue #7

My own conclusion about this issue:  Thanks to science and technology, we have already evolved into an emergent society, whereby change will continue to occur more rapidly.  (In less than a generation we have gone from 3D printing to 4D.)  Unfortunately we are still running things according to a primitive, established society, using systems, tools, and traditions from thousands of years ago as if they were still relevant.  To the extent we do not adapt to this increasing change by constantly learning about new developments, we stagnate, suffer, and die in a state of ignorance, obsolescence, and slavery to the past.  No less than the fate of our species and planet are at stake.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Workers of the world...Relax!

Since we only project according to our limited information, some people may imagine this will bring about the end of society, when in reality it is signaling the beginning of a newer, better, freer one.  An argument against it is an argument for the continued enslavement of our species through the current work paradigm.  It is not suggesting we don't work on anything, but that if we change what we work on to things that are more interesting, relevant, and fulfilling, we would be far more productive, creative, and happy.  Is that so radical a notion?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Great Film

This documentary gives us a glimpse into the future by showing us technology that exists today.  The more current information we have, the more we can extrapolate where we are heading.  Sadly, many people aren't aware of many recent developments, preventing them from understanding how they can and will be used.  Knowledge is power ;)