Thursday, March 13, 2014

A future holiday?

Happy Birthday to possibly the most brilliant, important person of our time. He only spent his entire life developing a new socioeconomic system to replace this old one that plagues and preys upon our species and planet. No big whup ;)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mini Political Rosetta Stone

An abridged translation for understanding world politics (a big part of which is understanding semantics):

Politics (like money, religion, and many other things), is a system by which a tiny percentage of the population (approx. <.000001%) controls a large percentage of the population.  Like these other systems, it has its own language that must be decoded to be better understood.  In order to understand any system, we must look both inside and outside of it by studying all other interrelated ones.  By following the trail of study through history, economics, behavior, communication, and other relevant areas, only then can we start to get a better understanding of how the world/reality works.  Politics is part of the problem.  And solving problems by doing the same things over and over is madness.  As always, the best solutions come from relevant science, technology, and education.  Learn how they've been combined to make politics, and many other problems obsolete.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Forget the Oscars, watch this...

As an LA transplant and former movie addict, I used to enjoy the Academy Awards (which are happening today).  Fortunately, I've grown and learned a lot since then.  Movies like this are the ones that deserve to be rewarded and promoted.  Why aren't they?  Because they are too informative.  The Oscars are about selling fantasy, not reality.  They are a celebration of escapism, entertainment, emotion, and distraction.  Do any of these solve our problems?  People who are busy discussing "12 Years a Slave" either have no idea that they are slaves themselves, or they don't know what to do about it, otherwise that is clearly what they would be discussing.  The drama and horror stories of the future will be about today's society.  This short film gives a better understanding and perspective how it works and what to do about it.