Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Government of the Future

You know how "Watson" has beaten every Jeopardy player with its incredible database of information that it can access with super speed and accuracy?  No human can match such collective knowledge and performance.  So why still rely on people for answers and leadership?  Meet CorCen, short for Correlation Center.  This "government of the future" is a decentralized cybernated resource management system (which is the primary function of government).  By relegating this ancient and difficult job to newer, more capable machines, everything would run much better for EVERYONE.  Just like when we replaced human labor with sewing and washing machines, farm equipment, traffic lights, GPS, automated tellers, transportation, and factories, etc.  Welcome to the future ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

True Wealth and Wisdom

Which is the richer man: one who will never be happy no matter how much money he has, or one who is already happy because he is free from that burden and false concept?  We'd all be so much richer in a Resource-Based Economy, especially those who have been tricked into valuing money above what really matters.