Monday, August 4, 2014

Science proves money retarded

"Conventional economics is a form of brain damage... Economics is so fundamentally disconnected from the real world, it is destructive."
Why is this? Because money is literally a retarding old tool of our ancestors. Does this help to explain why our world has so many problems? But let's look on the bright side; science has identified a major source of our collective woes: the fact that we are still using money in such a different world than when it originally evolved. Such extreme obsolescence produces catastrophic results for our species and planet. It is not the only source of our problems, but it is a major one. How can a modern, global society thrive using stone-age tools and ideas? It can't, and thus we have the world today, wasted by humans for imaginary profit. But again, there is good news: as science has identified the problem, it also provides the solution. It's called a resource-based economy, and it is a system that runs on the powerful combination of science and technology. This is the key to a brighter future. Why keep using this ancient, primitive monetary-labor system that holds us all back, when a newer, better one has been developed that propels us forward?