Monday, January 19, 2015

Definition of irony:

This MLK weekend, America celebrates a dark-skinned man who was assassinated by a sniper, by releasing a record-breaking movie that shows MANY dark-skinned men assassinated by a sniper. Is that the progress that MLK wanted? Would a man who stood for peace, equality, and freedom be pleased about a film that makes people SIT to watch murder, division, and war against a technologically inferior culture for the sake of resource acquisition? America...FUCK NO. “But Michael, it shows that war is BAAAD.” How many movies does it take to show that? “American Sniper” is just the same old propaganda to sell patriotism and violence to the masses, so that we remain domestically docile, distracted, deluded, divided, and dominated. War is NOT a means to an end; it is simply a means to more war.