Sunday, August 14, 2016

New poem

While this only took a short time to write, it took years to produce.  Only through inner and outer exploration and observation can one gain greater perspective/knowledge of such truths.  May this expand universal consciousness and recognition that all are one.

I'm an alien, and so are you!
You may not know it, but it's true.
All words and concepts are subjective,
limited, relative perspective.
Who isn't from another place?
Look within, this is the case.
Close your eyes, you will see more
guided by our inner core.
Know that we are all one mind;
just different bodies you will find.
Abundant beings all around,
both out in space and underground.
Inside, outside, everywhere;
not all can see that they are there.
In planets, moons, and ships galore;
to know this you must study more.
Give up your politics and games,
and you will see we're all the same.
No separate races or religions;
pure delusion, false divisions.
Each part of an infinite whole,
one eternal living soul
coexisting on different levels.
No such thing as gods and devils;
just ourselves through another view.
You are me, and I am you.