Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The standard definition of "democracy" is "rule of the people".  But does this mean the people rule, or ARE ruled?  Like all things, it depends on your perspective, which depends on your information.  According to mine, it is the latter.  Since the word "government" literally translates as "mind control", it is then by deduction a form of population control.  How does it work?  Since everything is energy, it is about the focus and theft of peoples' energy.  It operates under the "delusion of choice", whereby several people are presented to represent others; when really it doesn't matter for 3 main reasons.

1. The candidates are selected and funded by the same groups who operate behind the scenes, so whoever wins, they win (like hedging your bets).
2. If whoever wins is subject to the same rules/laws/systems, then they really are in no position of power, but are simply a spokesperson, mascot, or puppet.
3. NO ONE CAN FULLY REPRESENT OTHERS.  Though you can to some degree, it is not ideal, and is much better when people actually represent themselves.

Others can be guides, but ultimately our own paths and choices are up to us, and not for others to make.  Voting for someone else to represent and decide for you is responsibility theft.  It takes your own sovereign power and transfers it to another.  So those who wear those "I voted" stickers like a badge of honor, fail to see that what it really says contextually is "sucker".  In other words, their power/energy/focus has been co-opted and transferred to those who feed on it.

So if democracy is a scam, then what's better?  AUTOCRACY.  It is simply people following their own directions, passions, interests, etc., instead of others'.  It is self recognition that no one else can act on our own behalf.  "Democracy" operates under the fallacy that there can be only one way to do things, and that different groups must behave exactly alike.  In a sense, they already do, but with a degree of environmental variation.  Those who worship democracy fail to see that one person, view, or way does NOT work for all people, and never will.

Many already know these truths, but some of you are still programmed to give your power away at the polls.  This mechanical reinforcement of transference means you will continue to blame and judge external sources for what happens to you instead of recognizing that your life/reality is more up to you than it is others.  To reclaim some of your personal power/autonomy that has been very craftily stolen from you through the political system, here are some really good contract revocations that are quite enlightening and helpful.  (Check out the ones for banking and media too!)