Saturday, December 31, 2016

Self-Driving Cars Will NOT Reduce Organ Transplants

I just saw an article on a relatively well-known website that I will NOT repost because that would give it undue attention.  It said that self-driving cars will create a shortage for organ transplants by dramatically reducing the number of car accidents.  Talk about making lemonade into lemons!  I'd like to reassure people that this is a lie.  In order to believe it, you'd have to be unaware of the fact that for some time organs have been grown in labs using 3D printers.  This highlights the power of knowledge.  If you come across an ignorant perspective like this, but you have correlating information that renders it invalid, that acts as a shield against negative effects that others experience who lack that knowledge.  Such is the value of independent research.  Good luck out there in this world of subtle psychological warfare and fear-based propaganda that prevents progress by creating the illusion of scarcity.