Friday, March 17, 2017

About Time...

Today is my birthday, and this is my gift to whoever views it as such.  Synchronistically (unintentionally), I just saw a video about the concept of time and it made me want to share what I've learned, since clearly there is some confusion about the subject.  Time doesn't really exist; unless by "time" you mean "energy", in which case that is all that exists.  Time is just a limited, linear interpretation of cyclical energy.  Don't get me wrong, the experience of time is real; but it is just that, a relative experience.  It could also be called a social agreement or tool.  What is often meant by the word time, whether people are aware of this or not, is a relationship between cosmic bodies.  As measured by clocks and calendars, time is simply an interpretation of astrophysics, or the constantly changing spin/distance/vibration of planets, stars, and galaxies.  And since that is entirely relative, or different for every configuration in the cosmos, there is no absolute or universal definition of time.

So what is aging?  That's relative too.  Whether it's a person, plant, or piece of metal, change occurs (and does not occur) due to various factors that could be called "internal/external", though this is also an arbitrary division.  Why do different people and things appear different at the same age?  Because age is just a number that doesn't contain any relevant "concrete" data about the conditions of the subject.  For people, things like water, food, sleep, exercise, and information are integral to our longevity.  If you improve such aspects, it is reflected in the body and what people call age/time is actually stopped and also reversed to different degrees!  As our consciousness IS our reality, whatever your beliefs and definitions of time are what you will experience.  So don't be a slave to time, it's all in your head ;)