Thursday, July 6, 2017

Beyond Fermi's Paradox, and All Others

There is no such thing as a paradox, only the perception that there is. In a metaphorical sense, it is a mental barrier that represents the limits of ones' information. For those whose minds/vocabularies contain that word, it automatically regurgitates when their personal barrier is encountered and something does not seem to make sense. Once more information is acquired, the paradox is resolved or surpassed, and things become more clear.

An example of this is called “Fermi's Paradox”. According to Enrico Fermi's level of perception and calculations, the universe is filled with life (aliens and extra-terrestrials), but he could not perceive them. Some still can't, though the number seems to be shrinking. The truth is that his estimation was correct and such life exists all around. This has been edited from media to some degree, hence the ignorance and perceived paradox due to information control. It is also the choice of some of these beings to remain invisible for different reasons. Others choose to be visible at times, hence the discrepancy or range of peoples' awareness. Many on Earth know this and have been in contact with different groups to various degrees; and many do not know this, preventing them from such profound experiences. If this doesn't make sense to you, then you are of the latter category.

Awareness comes down to personal levels of development and perspective. Everyone has their own to different degrees, like grades in school where we progress according to our work, focus, behavior, etc. Those who are still fighting and not learning are kept in a sort of mental "detention" until they are able to play nicely with others and be more productive. Would you want to interact with a tribe of primitive, barbaric, cannibals? Some will not like or accept that they are members of such a tribe relative to other more advanced, peaceful, and loving ones. How could they see themselves that way without a point of reference to compare themselves against?

To use a more familiar example, Earth can be equated to North Korea in a sense. To an extent, the people are isolated, lied to, manipulated, and programmed to operate exclusively within that culture. If you took someone of that mindset and brought them into your home, they would only be able to talk about the “great leader” and their limited, distorted knowledge and interests. The same is true if you take the average person from America, Europe, China, or other “first world” places and introduce them to an extra-terrestrial culture. Many would only be able to spew propaganda and information about presidents, politicians, celebrities, countries, sports, religions, fashion, etc. They wouldn't be able to comprehend or function within a society that views such things as basic, low-level, negative, or inaccurate. Those of such a mindset aren't able to see those things that way until they learn more, which is why many other civilizations don't even bother with us until we outgrow such limitations. Like a cosmic “catch 22”, people evolve more when they meet more evolved ones, but in order to meet them they must first evolve more. This is not absolutely true in all cases, but is certainly a common pattern or theme.

The old saying “as above, so below” is relevant (albeit subjective). Just as people in other cultures on this planet view North Korea as a threat or as brain-washed drones bred to serve a corrupt, primitive, war-like government, so too do other planets and people view Earth in general. And just as different people in North Korea are more and less aware of other cultures around them; many have also been conditioned through propaganda to fear, hate, ignore, and reject them. This hinders both them, and their neighbors. It doesn't mean the other cultures don't exist; there are simply mutual barriers that prevent further interaction and exchange. Thus, those with much more advanced knowledge and technology exist all around Earth without the awareness of many on this planet. And those who ARE aware of them suffer the ignorance and limited consciousness of those who aren't.  It is important to note that this is just ONE perspective, and there are many other ways of viewing Earth (and everything else).

Once one has enough awareness of the conditions which exist, what previously seemed to be a paradox suddenly makes perfect sense, and that word is no longer used. In what some perceive as irony, one reason people don't know about these beings is not because they don't exist, but because they do!  They are simply able to be less visible due to more advanced technology, and many don't want certain people to know they exist until they are more prepared.  Otherwise, they are often feared, targeted, or worshiped by people of more negative consciousness. Such thinking is not just limited to this planet either.  There are also such cosmic beings with more selfish, power-driven intentions who also don't want their existence known for more nefarious and predatory purposes.

With regards to Fermi's “paradox”, an interesting extrapolation emerges. If many cultures on this planet are so divided, deluded, corrupted, and brain-washed, then that must extend to different degrees throughout the cosmos as well. Just as the conditions within North Korea are not entirely isolated to that geographical region, but are similar to other places on this planet as well. The same must be true of other groups and systems in the universe. It stands to reason that some have gone much further with concepts that already exist here, like A.I. and nanotechnology. A percentage of those groups are likely slaves to their tools, systems, social structures, and limited information to some degree, as are many on Earth. Likewise, some must be more in tune with nature, each other, and are more spiritually connected. This has profound implications for not only this planet, but also countless others.