Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Mini Data Dump

Typically, I only share things after studying them thoroughly.  But since many people don't even do that, they have not learned their way beyond the garbage information and celebrity gossip this culture feeds them; so they often reject greater truths as "wrong, lies, crazy, or irrelevant" (which is what lower level consciousness does instead of research and questioning.)  We have been lied to our entire lives, and people can't comprehend or accept that until they learn more.  We have also been told many truths, but they have been twisted and obscured by labeling them things like "fiction, mythology, conspiracy, pseudo-science, etc."  This causes confusion and disbelief among many.

So since it doesn't matter how much research is done because others will still deny and judge, then screw it!  No more holding back and trying to vet and control my info stream.  I'm just going to "free-flow" and share things that I haven't verified through multiple independent sources.  They will not make sense to some, but they do to me and others who have researched enough or have direct experience.  If you want proof, you must find it yourself because that's how it works; it can only be recognized from within.  People constantly miss and dismiss “proof” because they are not yet ready to see it.

If this information is false, then some groups are going to great lengths to both make it up and cover it up.  Why would they do that, for fun, for money?  No, if you actually put effort into investigating these stories, you will know that the reason there is so much deception and darkness around them is because of how true they are.  Once the veil of darkness is penetrated, there is no end to the light of inner illumination.  Buckle up your brain:

1: The great works of the library of Alexandria were not burned as many have been led to believe.  The building itself and some census records were, but most of the valuable contents were transferred and are now in the Vatican archives.  They are kept secret because they completely shatter the mainstream historical narrative and show that many advanced civilizations exist.  What's better than destroying priceless knowledge?  Making people think you did.  This is an example of intellectual fraud, theft, and hoarding.

2: Howard Hughes actually died in 2001 and not 1976 as the official story goes.  He was made to seem crazy and his death was faked so that he could work covertly on black budget programs like “Project Pegasus” which is a space/time portal or stargate they call a jump room.  That particular one has allegedly been used to connect to secret bases on Mars, as well as other locations/times.  (Partial disclosure of this project has been done through Marvel comics, which will cause some to dismiss it as "made-up".)

3: “Project Ice Worm” involved building sub-glacial labs, bases, and tunnels in Antarctica to study numerous advanced civilizations and craft hidden beneath the ice.  This evolved from “Operation High Jump” which saw a US military force repelled from that area by far superior technology.  (Of course they would hide that; no one advertises when they lose a fight!)

4: What prompted the projects in #3 is the fact that there are also several advanced civilizations living WITHIN this planet in addition to the countless ones beyond it.  They have been involved in the development and influence of our cultures for eons.  This is the origin of the term "hollow Earth", which is somewhat misleading as the planet is not entirely hollow, but more porous or honeycombed.  It's just that some inner caverns are so large that people misinterpret the size as taking up most of the interior structure.  "Inner Earth" is a more accurate description, though words fail to enlighten beyond a certain degree of detail.

5: “Project Serpo” was an interstellar exchange program for gathering and giving information.  A group of Earth astronauts and scientists traveled to a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system, and some members of that civilization came here.  Allegedly two of “ours” died in the process and two chose to stay in that culture.  (I just started reading “Primer of the Zeta Race”, which is good so far.  It expands and corresponds with my current set of knowledge acquired from all sources including other ET races.)

6: The Mohammed Accords are allegedly an agreement made thousands of years ago between certain people from this planet and others in order to limit the degree of open contact and appearances made by more advanced civilizations.  Of course, there are too many for all of them to know about and follow the treaty, hence the broad range of consciousness including those who think we're alone in the universe all the way through those who know that is ridiculous because of interaction with other beings.  Apparently the accords are breaking down since some who originally agreed with them now see them as divisive and damaging.

7: A primary reason for the extreme conflict in the area on Earth known as the "Middle East" is due to it being a landing/infiltration zone for negatively oriented ET's from the Orion constellation thousands of years ago.  Their belief system could be described as "evolution through struggle".  In other words, warfare and hardship are seen as means to an end, or spiritual fire that forges stronger selves.  This mentality still pervades and affects the region, though it is changing through more positive love-based influences, groups, and energies.