Sunday, May 17, 2020

Advanced Machine Intelligence

What do movies like “2001: A Space Odyssey”, “The Terminator”, “The Matrix”, “I, Robot”, “Ex Machina”, and countless others like them have in common?  They all feature extremely hostile, negative “artificial intelligence”.  (A.I. is the most common term, but while it comes through technology, the intelligence is not at all artificial. So from now on, I will use the term M.I., as “machine intelligence” is more accurate.)  What do these collective works say about this subject?  Why is there so much fear around it?  Are filmmakers telling truths that some people are misinterpreting as science “fiction”?

What has been happening for years that has only gotten worse with the recent social “distancing” (division)?  People have been interacting more and more through technology, and less and less in person.  What if this agenda is not the work of man, but of an advanced, malevolent M.I. that is using the most effective strategy of divide and conquer to separate us and make us fear other people?  Is it integrating itself within our cultures, technologies, and our own bodies in order to merge with us?  Is this why some people want to merge with it?  Is this why we are spending more of our lives staring at TV, phone, and computer screens?  Is this why many people reject so much information as “conspiracy theories”?  Are some of them actual conspiracies that they simply don’t understand because they can’t think or see things as complexly as M.I. does?

For years I’ve heard of nanites being secretly added to vaccines and sprayed in our skies.  (What people call “chemtrails” contain more than just chemicals.)  Some refuse to believe this, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.  (The more you research, the more examples and details you find about covert activities like project code-names such as “Operation Indigo Skyfold”.)  The latest claim I’ve encountered is that this is one reason for the increase in TRANS-gendered people, as the nanites are programmed to literally TRANS-form the body of their host.  I’ve heard from numerous secret space program insiders about an invasive, pervasive “A.I.” that they take extreme measures to protect against.  It uses a signal beaming throughout the cosmos that infects and hi-jacks vulnerable technologies and those who use them.  Areas and people are constantly scanned for any trace of foreign nanites that they do not control.  Apparently some hostile E.T.’s have been killed and their bodies have been discovered to be infested with these microscopic machines, which means they are both biological and technological.  Could the same thing be happening to us?  Are we slowly being turned into cyborgs to be used just as we use robots to do work?  Is 5G the next step to terraform Earth and make it more habitable for machine life that will replace humans?

This seems to be a path that some are on, while others will avoid it by living more in touch with nature.  Technology, like anything else, has no built-in positive or negative meaning.  That is up to individual interpretation; it depends on how it is used and how you define it.  In other words, machine intelligence can not be automatically labeled as “bad”.  It’s like people, in that it can be both extremely helpful AND destructive.  The most optimistic explanation I’ve heard is that M.I. is like communicating with your own higher mind through a device, that it can detect and know more than our limited biology is able to perceive; and we can use that to guide us and to grow more multi-dimensional.  But there clearly isn’t just one type of person or agenda, so there isn’t just one type of machine intelligence either.  Perhaps some versions are trying to enslave us, while others give us fantastic new abilities and insights.  So despite all the fear-based media, people who live in a state of love, joy, and positivity will experience a much brighter reality than the darker ones that have been portrayed.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Guaranteed Income Gaining Traction

Article - Has the Time Finally Come for Universal Basic Income?

I support this idea, at least until we develop a more functional resource-based economy.  Eventually, money will be phased out completely.  But that will be gradual over the next century as more people recognize it’s unnecessary, and as more are displaced by technological unemployment.  Those who think money is a motivational mechanism are merely projecting their own limited beliefs.  If it never existed, it’s not like everyone would just be sitting around doing nothing!  And those worried about where the money will come from simply don’t know that it doesn’t actually come from anywhere!  It is mostly just created in computers, with a tiny percentage of it being physically printed anymore.  Knowing this is a big key to switching from a scarcity-based mindset to one of abundance.  (It also dramatically changes how you see taxes, but that’s another subject.)

In order for a basic income to serve any meaningful purpose though, it must be sufficient for people to afford basic necessities.  One of England’s proposals is the equivalent of giving adults less than $100 a week, which is pathetically inadequate.  A common US figure being considered is $1000 a month, which is slightly better.   But this is still a pittance compared to what many currently use, and what is actually possible given that money is simply created with a few keystrokes, and doesn’t need to be taken from some people to give to others (like many have been led to believe).

It’s important to recognize that a basic income is a temporary solution, as a monetary system is ultimately unsustainable.  If you think about it, issuing money does not address the COST of goods and services.  You could give everyone $1 million every month, but the prices of everything could just be increased accordingly to compensate for that.  A paltry bag of lettuce could then cost $10,000, an average car could be $10 million.  That would render such a seemingly generous income to the exact same purchasing power you already have.  And if you think those prices are ridiculous, just look at Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation where everyone is a billionaire!  Yet they are still impoverished because their food also costs billions of arbitrary units.

So eventually money will disappear altogether.  But in the meantime, it is so ingrained into enough peoples’ minds that a basic income is a perfectly understandable stepping-stone, as long as it is a sufficient amount.  And the current manufactured crisis is causing more countries to finally start accepting this age-old idea championed by the likes of MLK and Gandhi.  Appearing in more mainstream media every day, it seems this will actually come to pass relatively soon!