Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Subtle Art of Mind Control


Former Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton volunteer to get coronavirus vaccine publicly to prove it's safe

No, this is not ad for Viagra!  It's your latest dose of propaganda.  They are literally one step away from showing swimsuit models on a beach saying, "Please inject me!"  It is using positive association with a negative intention of manipulation.  Making ANYTHING mandatory is inherently negative.  I follow a plant-based diet, but I don't go around forcing it on everyone!  That is actually a sign of weakness if you feel you must impose what works for you onto others.  It is ignorance to deduce that what works for one must be the way for all.  That fails to take into account the infinite variety and nature of the universe.  Forced or coerced uniformity is a violation of sovereign free-will; or for those who don't believe in that concept, it violates human rights and freedom.  It is a failure to recognize the individual uniqueness and power of everyone and our ability for self-direction.  Some know this, so they attempt to influence large numbers of people in more subtle ways, like censorship and advertising in order to subvert and affect the behavior of others (for them it is a power trip to feel they are "remote-controlling" human beings).  This is done by removing any viewpoints that differ from a particular narrative, or in this case, by showing happy images (smiles, joy, fun) and associating that with the intended product or agenda.  This clearly works on some people, but not everyone.

Those who recognize such tricks are labeled things like "anti-vaxxers", "conspiracy theorists", or any other childish form of name-calling in order to dissuade people from listening.  We are made to seem like a danger to society for not going along with the idea, which is actually a distraction from the dangers we are attempting to warn others about. 
It is a devious deception, just like the Trojan Horse and blankets infected with smallpox: they are weaponized gifts designed for infiltration (of cities and bodies, respectively).  Those who are ravenously and unquestionably PRO vaccine would be more cautious and discerning if they knew some of the hidden ingredients which have been added to many of them over the years.  Those who ARE aware of this covert tampering are being made to seem like we're crazy for pointing this out, instead of blindly trusting and accepting what others are trying to force into us without question.  People are being made to think that pharmaceuticals and shots are the only way to be healthy, and they will not be safe without them.  That is EXACTLY what some want you to believe.  Notice how many so-called doctors and health officials never even mention the importance of nutrition, exercise, and mental attitude.  They are programmed to think primarily in terms of drugs, needles, pills, products, expensive treatments and surgeries.  In that sense, many are simply agents of the medical industry, which views pain and suffering as extremely profitable opportunities to prey on those willing to pay or do anything to alleviate their ailments. 

The issue is more nuanced than simply vaccines are "good or bad".  EVERYTHING is simultaneously positive, negative, and neutral from different perspectives.  So to insist something is only one way or another is fundamentally flawed.  Blocking and rejecting any information which suggests things are more complex than just "fire good" or "fire bad" reflects primitive, corrupt, limited thinking.  Things are EVERY way from EVERY point of view, so invalidating the views of others is a failure to recognize that.  I COMPLETELY understand why people are for vaccines; they CAN have positive uses.  But to deny that they can also be used negatively represents a blind-spot in logic.  Attacking anyone for their beliefs and behaviors means you simply do not understand them.  Letting go of fear, hate, and judgment opens your heart and mind to knowledge, acceptance, love, forgiveness, gratitude, unity, and more positivity.  But to invalidate or deny that there is also negativity is actually negative, and is ultimately to your detriment.