Wednesday, October 13, 2021

William Shatner is NOT the oldest person to go to space (and other media lies)

Today, the former Star Trek star barely left the planet by dipping his toe into the “kiddie pool” of the cosmos.  Spending a few minutes outside Earth’s orbit only JUST qualifies as going to space, but this is mostly a publicity stunt by Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos.  Like a lot of news, it is truth mixed with lies.  Yes, William Shatner actually made the trip, but he is not the oldest person to have gone to space.  Who is?  It’s an unanswerable question, but I know there are older ones.  I’ll explain.

Like many “truths” and “facts”, people think they know certain things but really they just have the illusion of knowledge.  Much of what is called “history” is actually not true; it is just stories that people believe until they learn enough to recognize that they do not know.  Beliefs and stories are NOT knowledge.  This applies to so many titles and “records” people claim that are actually incorrect, but they either don’t know any better or they are going along with the lie.

The President of the U.S. is NOT “the most powerful person on Earth” as is claimed.  Those who are called the richest or the oldest are actually eclipsed by individuals who are not widely known.  Many famous “assassins” did not actually kill the people they supposedly did (they are just “scape goats” or fall guys for conspiracies so the public doesn’t know who the real killers are).  Neil Armstrong was not first on the moon, and William Shatner is not the oldest to go to space.  These false stories are told to keep people believing lies, so they don’t recognize greater truths.

Don’t get me wrong, MOST people don’t even know they are lying.  They wholeheartedly believe such incorrect “trivia” because it’s all they have ever heard.  Only when you find more sources of information, dig deeper, research extensively, and make new discoveries do you replace what you thought you knew with greater wonders and truths that are beyond such simple stories and answers.  You see that certain questions do not have answers because the questions themselves are based on false presumptions, misinformation, and lower level consciousness.  Often, asking more questions reveals the limited nature of the thinking behind the question.

Who is the most powerful person on Earth?  Is there only one?  How do you measure power?  Can it be measured?  However you measure it, The U.S. President is not the most powerful, but some believe that because they don’t know any better and haven’t learned other things to “see through” that lie.  Not only are there more influential people on this planet, but everyone has their OWN power.  Some are simply using their power to convince others that they have more power than they do!  And some are using theirs to stay out of the public spotlight and let others take the blame and recognition for their actions.

Who are the richest and the oldest people on Earth?  Definitely not who many people think.  There are some with much more money and many more years than what is claimed to be the most.  Again, some questions are not even answerable when you really think about them.  Are you just measuring one currency?  There are international bankers who control so much money in so many different currencies that you can’t even calculate it because the value is completely arbitrary and different.  Plus, between interest, earning, and spending, the amounts are constantly changing!  As for who the oldest are, there are some whose ages many people would not believe (which actually limits their consciousness).  These are mostly elders in indigenous tribes who are much more connected to nature and the planet, which aids in longevity much more than living in overpopulated, stressful, less natural cities.  Again, I can’t give precise names or numbers, because I don’t know them, I just know they exist.  If I said the highest ages I have heard from a very reliable source, you would probably think it’s impossible and dismiss me as not credible.  But given everything else I have learned, I find the information very credible and believable.

I can’t get into all the assassinations which have taken place and how many of the alleged killers were set up to take the fall for other individuals.  I’ll simply focus on one of the more famous ones from the last century.  Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT kill John F. Kennedy.  You have probably only seen a very choppy, blurry, and cropped film of that infamous event.  I have seen a much clearer, uncut copy where it is quite obvious that the real shooters were the planted agents in the front seat of the limo.  This actually makes more sense, as it explains why Mrs. Kennedy was trying to climb over the back of the car.  If she thought the bullets were coming from somewhere else, her reaction would have been to duck down and take cover rather than expose herself to more gunfire in the open and risk further damage by falling to the hard road from a moving vehicle.  But she saw that the shooters were IN the car with them, which makes her behavior completely logical.  She was threatened into withholding this information from the public, and the two planted agents were also killed soon after, as they were "loose ends".

So who was behind the complex hit that framed a single man?  A group that does not have just one name, but several: Majestic 12, MJ-12, Majic (majority intelligence committee), to name a few.  Certain members were more responsible than others, but their top secret documents clearly indicate ill intentions toward JFK using his secret service code name: "LANCER has made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow."

Back to the many lies of space, Neil Armstrong is given undue credit as being first on “the moon”.  (“Earth’s moon” is more specific, as there are countless moons; but most people on this planet just know it as “the” moon.)  However there were already people there both from this planet, and others.  This is a huge subject, but the moon has been used as a monitoring satellite for eons.  Note that it does not rotate like most other celestial bodies, but it orbits with the same face always toward Earth.  This anomaly is a clue (for those able to decipher it) that the moon is intelligently controlled.  Various civilizations inhabit the moon, especially on the side facing away from the planet in order to be less noticeable.  The Apollo astronauts discovered this but were sworn to secrecy (which explains some of their awkward press conferences and behaviors).  But even if these beings were not already there, other Earth people already made it to the moon before the Apollo missions.  Decades before, Germans acquired and built out a base on the moon.  I probably would not have believed that myself until I learned about their secret haunebu spacecraft, their base/city in Antarctica (base 211/Neuschwabenland), or their association with extra-terrestrials.  Many people clearly have not learned about these things yet either, but others have because I learned from them.

Related to William Shatner not being the oldest Earth person in space, one of the many secret developments that has occurred in covert, “black-budget”, non-publicized programs is the revolutionary field of life extension.  “Aging” is a product of a combination of environmental conditions, bodily toxins (which affect cellular integrity), psychology, beliefs, etc.  These factors are not optimal for many people on Earth, but when you improve them you improve health and longevity.  Basically when you think, eat, and live in healthier ways, you naturally live longer and do not necessarily look a certain way just because you are a certain age.  You know that different people age differently depending on what they do and don’t do.  Now extrapolate that beyond what you think you know and you will see that humans have the ability to live MUCH longer than the people who are claimed to be the oldest.

On this subject, I can give more specificity and sources to research.  Many insiders or “whistle-blowers” have discussed their experience with life extension and secret space programs (SSP’s).  Before dying, William Tompkins talked about his time at TRW working on such developments and that many medical companies were secretly involved.  Johan Fritz has discussed his military space service under someone he just called “the old man” in numerous German SSP’s (Nachtwaffen and Kruger) which are descendants of those earlier ones mentioned above (who already had life extension projects back in WWII).  Randy Cramer has been authorized to disclose certain information about his work in the US Marine Corps Special Section and Mars Defense Force, and that some of his superiors were over 100 years old and that you were not supposed to talk about their age.  Randy makes a good point that if people like him were lying about their service, they would be locked up for impersonating an officer because the military considers that a serious crime.

All of these examples hint at the fact that a lot of news, history, facts, and truths are actually lies.  This is symbolized in movies like “The Matrix” where reality is MUCH different than what many people believe.  Their perception is based on limited and inaccurate information that they unknowingly think is factual and accurate.  Again, the nature of physical reality is illusion, or completely relative and depends on your own consciousness, energy frequency, information, beliefs, etc.  It is also not fixed, and is ever-evolving.

Mr. Shatner may believe he is the oldest man to go to space, but many of us know that is not really true; it is just a narrative that is being told.  Such is the power of beliefs and stories, they shape your view of yourself and reality.  What you believe is what you perceive.  Conversely, you cannot perceive what you do not believe.  If you do not believe in all the other beings in the cosmos, that prevents your recognition of them until your consciousness is ready.  Some of them live for thousands of years, others even more.  This radically changes your perspective of age, time, and other things as well.  So even if someone from Earth who is 1000 years old goes to space, they may be the oldest from Earth to do so, but they will never be the oldest in space!

People are at different stages of development and awareness.  Not everyone is ready to know the same things, and that’s perfectly fine.  Your learning, readiness, and reality are all up to you.  It can be challenging at first to realize that what you thought you knew was not actually true.  But that leads to greater truths, discoveries, awareness, and amazement at the infinite nature of the universe and yourself.