Saturday, November 27, 2021

Recognizing Lies, Fear-Mongering Propaganda, Psychological Warfare, and Negative Agendas in News

1: Note how “news” sources keep showing the same photo and footage, as if this is the only contact that has ever happened!  In reality, TONS of contacts have taken place, they’re just showing this one over and over to perpetuate the illusion of scarcity.  Encounters both in craft and in person are not as rare or new as this media wants you to think.  It is attempting to cover up the fact that the same media sources have been lying to everyone. 

2: Note how these craft are always labeled “UFO” or “UAP”, the “U” in both standing for UN-identified or UN-explained.  In reality, these are craft very much identified and explained by all kinds of people: military, civilians, scientists, etc.  These terms are attempting to psychologically suggest mystery, ignorance, and the unknown. 

3: Note how they are commonly labeled a threat.  In reality, most of the beings in these craft are VERY loving, positive, and helpful, sharing knowledge and technology that the same military has been using in covert projects and keeping from the public (like free energy, anti-gravity, and advanced healing tech.)  Other examples of these gifts are already widely available, like fiber-optics, teflon, kevlar, and microchips that we are using right now.  All these developments and many more have been reverse-engineered and disseminated from ET tech.  The more revolutionary ones have been shown to us but labeled science “fiction” so people don’t believe they are real. 

4: Note how such information is coming from sources whose core principle and M.O. is SECRECY!  They have been hiding and using advanced knowledge and technology for themselves, and they are not inclined to share because they think it gives them strategic advantages.  They are only reluctantly sharing limited information because they recognize that people are becoming more aware, and they are trying to steer them away from certain truths and ideas that they do not want in the public spotlight.  Such covert organizations have been doing some very negative things that they would rather people not know about.  Their actions are actually a bigger threat than the ET's they are trying so desperately to get people to fear.  (It's like a serial killer being caught and accusing their neighbor of being the real killer to draw attention away from themselves.) 

5: Note that stories about such sightings and subjects are still coming out, but are often buried and hard to find compared to so much celebrity gossip, political division, sports and entertainment, or other fear-inducing stories (COVID, climate change, violence, etc.) that are pushed to the fore-front of mainstream “news” sources.  I use quotes around that word because a lot of it is not actually news, but carefully crafted lies, false narratives, misinformation, propaganda, smoke and mirrors, etc.  When these kinds of stories are actually covered, they sometimes undercut the importance and profound implications by showing silly cartoons or people with goofy hair and clothes so that people don't take them seriously (like in the above article).  Or they show people who look scared or use images and music with foreboding tones to suggest dread and negativity.

6: Note the attempts to manipulate human behavior.  This article suggests “doom and gloom”, and rejects the very foundation of all good relationships and diplomacy: communication.  That is a fundamentally negative approach and point of view, revealing the close-minded thinking of the people behind such media.  Attempting to scare people away from investigating or communicating is a clear sign of a cover-up.  Fear limits your consciousness.  If you have no fear and research with an open mind and heart, you will find many ET’s sharing love and wisdom with whoever will listen.  But if you are not tuned to that kind of information, if you are instead focused on fear or other things, then you are not able to perceive such positive messages.  There are countless people “channeling” ET intelligence through a very common form of communication: telempathy (using both thoughts and feelings).  If you refuse to believe such things are possible, that closes you off from more awareness of them.  Many people have also had positive encounters in person, but if you have too much fear in you then such experiences will seem more negative.

7: Note the variety of sources covering these subjects in the same way.  It doesn't matter if you call them conservative, progressive, scientific, financial, or entertainment media, they are ALL influenced by certain agendas being promoted through them.  Note the unified, monolithic message that permeates them, indicating that they are just different mouth-pieces for the same people who use them like you use social media for your own interests, just on a much bigger scale.  You may think having millions of followers is impressive, but certain groups and individuals who are never mentioned in mainstream media are using it to socially influence BILLIONS of people every day.  When you know this, you seek out and find better, less manipulative sources of information that expand and free your mind rather than trying to control it.