Monday, December 13, 2021

Doctor, Chemist Murdered for Exposing Harmful Ingredient in Shots

Dr. Andreas Noack, a respected and successful German chemist, died suddenly and mysteriously on 11/26/21 after releasing videos claiming the nano-material graphene hydroxide was found in vaccine samples.  Above is a portion of his final presentation on the subject where he described the microscopic particles being like tiny “razor blades” for cells and tissue.  Having done his doctoral thesis on the subject, Dr. Noack differentiated between graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, though they are similar in composition.  He also pointed out that most doctors will not see its presence in blood samples using conventional microscopes and testing methods.  (Apologies if any of these links are not working as you read this, but this story clearly involves censorship and a cover-up, so some of these videos may be affected.)

For anyone mistakenly thinking Dr. Noack’s death is random or unrelated to his disclosure efforts, above is an earlier video presentation where he is interrupted by a police raid.  He is clearly shocked and concerned, as he has no history of committing or inciting any violence, but is forced onto the ground at gunpoint, preventing him from sharing any more information on the conference call.  The police then cover and turn the camera away from the arrest, then terminate the feed.  This shows that Dr. Noack was already being targeted since he had no criminal background, and the timing of the raid clearly disrupted the sharing of his knowledge and expertise.  Dr. Noack’s pregnant girlfriend confirmed his death in an emotional YouTube video praising his work and bravery, and encouraging others to share this information as a tribute to his sacrifice.  She then posted another video describing in detail how Dr. Noack suddenly died and her suspicions of foul play.  For those who are unaware, there are various covert weapons which affect individuals in a way that many doctors misinterpret as "natural causes" since they don't know about such technologies.  (Warning, I got choked up watching her struggle to get through these.)

Since cases of adverse effects from these shots are being intentionally omitted or “fact-checked” (censored) from a lot of mainstream media, many individuals are unaware that there is anything suspicious going on.  Countless people have been conditioned and programmed to label anyone who questions the efficacy or quality of these pharmaceutical products as an “anti-vaxer”, a childish tactic of name-calling that over-simplifies an incredibly complex topic.  This is one-dimensional thinking, and reality is NOT one-dimensional.  There is not just one vaccine, and there is not just one kind of person, so effects vary.  (Some even argue that what is being given is not even technically a vaccine, and that this word is misleading.)  But for those who are oblivious to the negative examples left out of media that is heavily influenced by drug companies, below are two montages of athletes who have suffered severe reactions (including death) after being inoculated.

According to Dr. Noack, this is occurring due to the increased cardio-vascular activity of athletes during peak physical performance.  More blood pressure moves whatever is in the blood throughout the body more vigorously; so if there is something harmful present, being more active spreads it faster.  Note that this does not happen to everyone, so do not become alarmed if you have had one of these dubious injections.  Everyone has their own lives, bodies, and paths which are unique. This is why mandates are so ineffective because they incorrectly presume that what works for one must work for all.  That is clearly not the case, as even something as uncontroversial as penicillin is recognized as being helpful for some, but others are allergic to it and will die from it.  So prescribing the same treatment for everyone is guaranteed to kill some people, even if it works wonders for many.  This is a main reason for so much resistance to such barbaric and misguided attempts to force pharmaceutical products into the bodies of everyone, even children (who know just as much as many adults about what is actually in the syringes!)

The raid and murder of Dr. Noack actually gives credence to his claims, and he is not the only one making them.  If he was lying, would an armed intrusion be an appropriate response to stop him from spreading misinformation?  Certainly not, so this tactic is even less justified when someone is telling the truth.  Then it becomes an atrocity and an attack on us all, preventing greater knowledge from being shared.  In a just and civilized society, every point of view is allowed to be expressed; but in this one, truth is often suppressed while lies and propaganda run rampant.  Even if someone is subjectively incorrect, open debate allows for learning; but killing or silencing anyone with a different point of view creates animosity and limited thinking.  Dr. Noack reminds people in his final video that “disputation” is crucial in any scientific development.  Not allowing any new information is inherently UN-scientific, close-minded, and dangerous.  Combined with his years of specialized experience, does this sound like a man who was a threat to society?  Or is the real threat those who target people like him for sharing information they see as a threat to their agendas?