Thursday, July 21, 2022

10 Jaw-Dropping UFO Sightings Caught on Camera



Wow, there is some good footage in this video.  Some clips aren’t going to convince those who are too much in denial, as lights in the sky can be so many other things now, which they dismiss as “mundane” or “normal” (satellites, drones, meteors, etc.)  Of course those things are real, but so too are spacecraft, energy weapons, beings from other worlds and dimensions, portals, and many other things called “UFO’s”, “USO’s”, and “UAP’s”.  Eventually the people in a state of doubt and disbelief will see enough that their denial transforms into belief and knowing, that there is far more to reality than they could perceive.

I’ve already seen some of the clips in this video, but I hadn’t seen most of them!  I don’t like the “fear-mongering” with the creepy countdown images and music, but that’s so much a part of the disclosure narrative.  Some people are projecting fear onto others about this subject to repel them from it so they don’t learn more about how important, amazing, profound, expansive, and transformative it is.  This is truth mixed with psychological warfare, showing real things but projecting fear while doing so to create a negative association with what they show to deter and manipulate people.  In many other videos, they show real things but project doubt, disbelief, and “debunking” statements to imply they are hoaxes or untrue.  Fortunately this channel is beyond doubting that these are real (which so many still aren’t); but it is clearly influenced by certain interests who use fear to weaponize or distort media.  Like so much out there, it is disclosure mixed with disinformation, truth mixed with lies, fact mixed with fiction, a blend of positive and negative intentions, energies, perspectives.
A suggestion would be to NOT “throw the baby out with the bathwater” like so many do, it is unwise to dismiss everything you’ve seen when you come across something that has been faked.  There is a LOT of fakery designed to do just that, to get people to think that the real examples are fakes too.  “Official explanations” are often the fakes.  One example from this video: Why would a military admit to the public that it test fired an experimental missile over its own civilian population, especially without warning them?  Because that is not true.  They wouldn’t do that, they are lying to prevent some people from knowing the truth, from knowing that many of these are advanced spacecraft from both this world and many others (not all of them, but many of them).  They don’t want people to know anything about them because they are afraid.  THEY are afraid, and they are projecting their fear onto others.
Like all emotions and beliefs, fear comes from within, like joy and everything else.  But there is no need to fear.  Fear lowers your frequency and affects awareness, decisions, behavior, and health.  Fear both reflects and maintains ignorance, for knowing more reduces and transforms it.  Some of this fear is unintentional, it simply being a strong physical reaction to encountering such a significantly more dense and different energy.  In a sense the body can be afraid even when the mind is not, or the mind simply interprets the body’s response as fear.  But what is scary to one is exciting to another.  They are basically the same energy filtered through different beliefs and definitions, fear being more negative, and excitement being more positive.
If you research with an open mind like I do, instead of rejecting things you think are too fantastic or false, you will constantly find more examples and information.  Some people like to parrot the saying, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”, yet they don’t bother seeking or examining evidence because their minds are too closed and they have already decided what is true and not true.  They have seen evidence, but they do not see it as evidence, they see it as a hoax or a misinterpretation by other people.  This is often a projection that THEY are the ones misinterpreting it as something other than it is.  They are defining it as untrue, and definitions determine perception.