Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Big Bang Debunked

Yes! I learned the “big bang” was actually a big sham years ago.   It’s nice to see this failed theory finally being disproven to more mainstream scientists.   This may be “inspiring panic among astronomers”, but it is inspiring excitement to me!  They are in the process of recognizing some challenging truths: that what they thought was true is actually not, that they have been lied to and have lied to others, and that reality is quite different than what they believed.  Their faith in science is being checked by the recognition that they are not as correct or smart as they thought.  This is a valuable learning process.

It is revolutionary when established dogmas are finally let go, like the false belief that the sun revolved around Earth, or that Earth was flat (the recent resurgence of this idea further demonstrates that many people are not as intelligent as they like to think).  Knowing how things REALLY are is essential to better living.  Inaccurate views hinder our abilities and keep us ignorant.  Imagine thinking that every time it rained meant that the gods were crying about something.  Imagine being in a jungle mistakenly thinking that the droning sounds of insects were instead ghosts.  Hopefully these are silly ideas to you, but if someone thought they were true, you can see how it would represent a severe limitation in understanding how things actually work.  That is how absurd and childish the idea of a “big bang” seems to those who know better.

Here is a quote on the subject that I came across years ago from a very revered channel, Darryl Anka:
You have in your reality these scientists who talk about the beginning of the universe.  And they talk about it as what you call a ‘big bang’.  What we discovered far down the line is the idea that it’s not really a big bang.  I know it looks like the universe is expanding from your point of view in physical reality.  But what we’ve discovered is that everything is here and now, everything is the same point from a different point of view.  So rather than a big bang, which we understand is how you see it from your perspective, the idea is to imagine that it’s all still that infinitesimal point.  It’s not so much that it exploded into everything that you see, but that it simply remained the same size and shattered into an infinite number of shards within it.  It did not increase in size; in a sense it actually imploded inward.  But the idea is that all of those shards that it shattered into while still remaining that infinitesimal point, all those shards are you and me and everything in creation.  We are all reflections of each other.  We are all the infinite shattered shards, and we all reflect to each other what we each need to know.”

Human consciousness is evolving beyond limited thinking and definitions of space-time.  Time and the universe are not linear, but infinite, simultaneous, holographic.  But how we define things is how we experience them, so those who think linearly perceive their reality that way, even if that is not really correct.  There is much more for many people to “unlearn”.  We have been artificially constrained and manipulated through “education” and media with other misinterpretations and inaccurate definitions.  The bright side is that people learning they are wrong means they are learning!  Another truth that many have yet to discover is that we have NEVER been alone in the universe, or on this planet.  That incorrect idea also reflects great ignorance, and learning just how untrue it is radically changes perception.  Fortunately this paradigm is also changing, and humans are waking up to a much greater reality by letting go of negative, faulty belief systems which collectively hold us back.