Friday, June 30, 2023

The CIA: A Fraction of their Global Atrocities, Deaths, Coups, and Wars

This was linked in my previous article about how war is given so much more money and support than people, and I thought it was important enough to share again.  Don't be scared of the warning about this being "inappropriate or offensive to some audiences".  That is often a sign it is worth knowing, but someone doesn't want you to!  Truth is not inappropriate or offensive, it is enlightening and freeing.  What is actually MUCH more inappropriate and offensive is all the violence, theft, war, suffering, lies, and every other negative thing done by the military-industrial complex.  It is projecting its own inappropriate and offensive acts, trying to maintain ignorance and fear, which it also projects.  This is a sign of weakness, not power.

We cannot grow collectively until people are actually aware of what is happening and who is really responsible for what, instead of believing lies that have been told very convincingly by masters of media technology and deception. 

Many people think they know history, but the history they have been told is incorrect and incomplete.  So many false and famous scapegoats, turning all blame and attention on the wrong people and groups, so those actually responsible get to keep doing the same things: war, violence, theft, drug-dealing, lying, etc.  So many "villains" of news and history were only made to seem so by media and people misrepresenting them.  And so many of our heroes have been killed by these covert "intelligence" agencies around the world, who tried to make it seem like they died of drug overdoses, suicides, car crashes, natural causes, or killed by someone other than these groups, like a lone gunman, bomber, terrorist, etc.  It is a big clue that they work in "COUNTER-intelligence", or lying!  But if you know they are lying, then you know the truth ;)

In this case, the truth is that the CIA is of Nazi origins.  In a sense, it is not really an American organization, it is just posing as one.  It grew from German agents and initiatives after World War 2.  This is part of the incomplete and misleading history people have been given.  They are told Germany lost the war, which is a convenient interpretation to keep certain events and factions hidden from public knowledge so they may continue their influence uninterrupted behind the scenes and free from the burden of "elections", which are just for show to allow people to think they are making a difference (see my previous article about Obama being revealed as a liar just like other presidents).

As I have already covered, the CIA is also very involved in media manipulation (Operation Mockingbird).  This is how it controls narratives and public opinion by controlling what is said and shown.  So much truth is edited out, while propaganda and lies are constantly repeated and rebranded as truth to confuse, mislead, and pacify the public.  "News" is full of psychological warfare that many people don't even recognize as such, spinning stories in a negative way, leaving others out completely, and promoting certain agendas by making them seem like they are for the public good instead of the truth that they are really designed to serve private interests.

The CIA is like a parasite that has tricked its host into thinking it is helping, when really it is hurting. 
It creates conflict and enemies, manipulating people into fighting each other by committing acts of terror and blaming it on others.  Since it operates internationally, shutting it down would be much better for us all.  However, the CIA is not the only group that does such things; it is just one part of a larger military-industrial complex with different international groups and branches who are also responsible for similar atrocities and war-crimes against humanity.

Monday, June 26, 2023

I Love Russell Brand! (Brilliant Iconoclast Shows Obama is a Liar, and Politics and Taxes are Scams!)


Countless people do not yet realize that people and ideas they have held up as sacred, holy, and good also have their dark or negative side.  They do not yet realize their views of reality are a construct, manufactured by false and misleading media claiming to be true, benevolent, and honest, when really it's just a big show to distract, divide, and lie to people.  This is why I stopped paying attention to news years ago, because I realized just how fabricated, edited, and controlled it is.

Don't get me wrong, Obama is still a person who deserves love and respect.  But this helps to show that he is not the angel that he was marketed to be.  These people are basically playing characters in a soap opera of suits.  Their lines are mostly written by others, and they often do completely different things than they preach and promise.  For some followers, this is like finding out that Jesus was secretly robbing and bombing the poor!  But on the bright side, this shows that Obama is just another person and is not some minor deity.  It also highlights that the political system and news can be ignored and are not really serving humanity as much as people think.

My only complaint about this video is the editing.  It is cut so that Russell's words come so quickly that it's hard to catch or think about them.  Ironically, he's been sober for years but the "hyper-speed" editing makes it seem like he's on stimulants!  It's not just him, I see this on so many channels to keep peoples' attention, though I think it is also reducing attention spans.  Maybe some would call me slow, but I'm pretty intelligent and I couldn't keep up with all the quotes and thoughts they crammed into the video.  I'm sure others won't even make it through the first few minutes because of how fast-paced Russell speaks.  I like him better when he is unedited and at normal speed, because he can still talk very fast without editing!