Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Much More "UFO" Disclosure Than What "News" Presents


Now THIS is what REAL disclosure looks like!  Not like all the weak, limited, diluted congressional hearings where they tiptoe around truth and are not giving the full story.  Those are gaslighting everyone with false implications like, "We don't know what all these UFO's are so they must be a threat" and, "We don't have any advanced technology that we hide from the public."  All lies.  Fortunately, the tides seem to be turning with more whistleblowers actually appearing in corporate media which has traditionally been hiding and distorting the truth.

Covert human factions have been studying, capturing, and reverse-engineering ET spacecraft for so long while denying they exist and calling them "unidentified".  If they don't know what they are, how do they know they are a threat?  Only certain greedy and corrupt interests see them as a threat to their business models and systems of domination and control.  When people know that there is much better technology than what they have been sold, and that there are much more advanced civilizations who do not answer to those who think they are "elites", it radically transforms us individually and collectively.  If all along governments and news sources have been saying these things aren't real, now all of a sudden they acknowledge that they ARE real, that proves they have been lying for decades, and that the people they have been accusing of lying and making things up have actually been the ones telling the truth.

The most recent official press conference with military and corporate insiders was NOT the first one that Dr. Steven Greer has held.  His first major one was in 2001, which was conveniently ignored by most media outlets.  This just shows that some things are actually the opposite of what people think, that news is not being used to inform the public, but to MIS-inform them.  It is still doing that because it is heavily controlled and censored by the military-industrial complex.  After decades of making people think that ET spacecraft didn't exist in order to use their knowledge and technology in secret, the same "black budget" programs still do not want people knowing about or interfering in their business.  But now that more people are aware "UFO's" are absolutely real, these covert groups have changed their lies to try to convince the public that ET's are all a threat in order to perpetuate division and war, which they have always done.  The bigger threat are the humans inciting conflict between each other, not the more advanced civilizations who have evolved beyond such counter-productive war-mongering!