Monday, September 11, 2023

The Amazing Deception of 9/11, and Lessons From It

Happy false flag operation anniversary ;)  Actually, there have been a lot of those... it’s an unfortunately common tactic used throughout history to create division, enemies, and war.  September 11 was personally significant in that it was a catalyst for great learning and awakening.  I realized that what is presented to the public in mass media is a very controlled, limited narrative that is often not true.  It fools many, but those who research and know more see through the illusion.

We know it is impossible to melt such strong industrial steel and concrete with jet fuel that has such a low, fast burn temperature.  We know the only way to make such tall buildings fall so quickly into their own footprint is with pre-arranged controlled demolition.  We know that building 7 was also brought down without ever being touched by a plane (and it is a BIG clue that it’s completely ignored by most news reports).  We know that plane crashes leave much larger pieces of aircraft than the small debris shown at the Pentagon.  We know how the military-industrial complex operates, doing anything it can to perpetuate conflict, division, and fear to increase its funding and activities.  We know about things like Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA admitted that they infiltrated all major news outlets.

If you still think 9/11 was done by some rogue Arabs, forgive yourself for being deceived by fiendishly clever, international, war-mongering counter-intelligence groups who influence media more than you realize.   It was a magic trick by dark practitioners, fooling many into thinking it was done a certain way by certain people, when the truth is much different and more complex.  Knowing it was a trick and how it was done is incredibly educational and useful for discernment and navigating life on Earth.

So when they say, “Never forget”, what exactly are you remembering?  Are you just re-telling yourself all the lies you have been told that you don’t know are lies?  Or like me, are you reminding yourself that media still lies every day to manipulate the masses for various agendas?  Personally, I am now always aware that reality is an illusion formed by our beliefs, definitions, and stories, and that some unscrupulous interests have gone to extreme lengths to try to control what others think and do.