Thursday, October 12, 2023

Funding Ukraine and Israel: Just Another Scam

A government that doesn’t even support its own citizens is not so benevolent that it would care about those on the other side of the planet; it simply wants to appear benevolent so people don’t realize billions of dollars are being stolen and not going to the needy victims of a manufactured conflict, but to those who manufactured the conflict for their own selfish gains.  Media is used to create public support through false and scripted narratives, military action is used to destroy infrastructure and competition under the guise of spreading “freedom and democracy”, then corporations swoop in to rebuild and profit from a new target population.

It’s the same old cycle of creating a problem,
inciting a reaction, and selling a predetermined solution that serves those who created the problem.  It’s been done throughout history, but many people don’t see the pattern because their “trusted sources of information” have actually been lying to them all along, so their view of reality is incredibly limited and distorted.  The amount of theft and deception happening every day is so massive that you have to learn a lot in order to even begin to comprehend the scope and scale of it; because it is going on in every country with every currency, so there is no number you can even use to measure it.

They keep getting away with it by using everything against us: media,
the “legal” system, the “education” system, bribery, censorship, murder, extortion, rigged elections, etc.  It doesn’t matter who you vote for because whoever is elected is still subject to the system and other groups who no one votes for.  Only by becoming aware of how things really work can you make more informed decisions instead of being unknowingly misled by sociopaths and war criminals who have tricked countless people into supporting their agendas and wars.