Tuesday, March 26, 2024

US Military Attacked Peaceful ET Visitors in 1942, Still Denies it to Hide World-Changing Truth and Technology


The above article is typical military propaganda and denial, trying to write their own version of history, which is a lie.  The Secretary of Navy calling this a “false alarm” and “jittery nerves” actually makes them look worse than the truth.  As ifonly a mirage” would cause them to unload their entire artillery into the sky for over an hour!  (Eye witness William Tompkins claims it actually lasted several hours until the anti-aircraft guns ran out of ammo, so long that he got bored of watching the pointless shooting.)  Such a lengthy error would make them completely incompetent and insubordinate, a feeble attempt to make it seem like there was nothing there; but that is not the case.

This was an extra-terrestrial mother-ship, and smaller scout craft which emerged from it.  If it was just a big mistake, then why are all those searchlights pointed at the same spot in the sky over the hills in that famous image the newspapers showed?  Was that a collective hallucination by all the soldiers operating those lights?  Why would Tompkins, who was there, say they watched craft flying around with impunity while taking no damage
and not firing back?  The article claims the most logical answer is that the soldiers were just on edge and “trigger-happy” from WWII; but that is not logical when you know the truth.

What is MORE logical is that
covert branches of the military lie to the public to keep people from knowing they have studied, acquired, and reverse-engineered this advanced technology and want to keep it all for themselves.  (Project Pounce is one such example of targeting and quickly securing downed space craft from our visitors.)  What is MORE logical is that these beings were demonstrating that they intend no harm, which is contrary to the fear and threat-based narrative that some are trying to push through their influence of media.  What is MORE logical is that the universe is full of life that has been interacting with us all along, and which some people are trying to monopolize and control.

In a personal note to this story, I lived in Los Angeles for 12 years and find it very interesting that I never heard about this significant event until after I moved away; no one ever mentioned it to me!  People have been collectively brainwashed through their education system and media; and because of this, not everyone is aware that the history they believe is actually a false, manufactured illusion.  On the bright side, it is exciting to discover that,
because then the real learning begins, which is an endless adventure!  Reality is so much greater and more wonderful than the lies labeled “history” ;)