Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Brief Masterclass on Health and Disease

Above is a comprehensive explanation of how people create their own diseases and heal themselves, including numerous relevant factors and methods that work for different people because of varied belief systems.  You have no idea how much effort this took to make!  The original copy I had to work with is a low resolution video from 1991, which alternated between English and Japanese every few seconds as the speech was translated, making it very difficult to follow along with all the information.  I edited out the Japanese translation to make it easier to understand for more people.  So if the speech pattern or tempo sounds strange to you, that's why.  I also converted it into just audio to save file size and because the words here matter more than seeing the speaker.

The speaker, by the way, is called Bashar.  He actually sounds more "alien" in this older clip, which makes sense that his communication has improved since his earlier work!  Hopefully the odd accent doesn't bother you because he is one of my favorite guides and teachers, as his love and wisdom shine through consistently over the decades of exceptional material he has shared.  To briefly summarize this presentation, basically there is no one right way to heal; people use numerous methods to do so.  Breathing, drinking more water, detoxing, diet and exercise, laughter, music, meditation, etc.  (There is actually a guided healing meditation during the last few minutes.)  But the crux of health and disease is understanding that people are creating those conditions themselves, and that no one else can heal us directly; it is up to our own thoughts and actions.

It is important to know that health is not reserved only for those with a lot of money, but that simple, cheap changes can have big effects.  I know from personal experience, having healed myself from several unpleasant physical challenges that I thought would require expensive surgeries, drugs, or equipment.  That's just what the medical industry wants everyone to think!  But what has worked wonders for me is an ongoing detox regimen (herbal foot pads), drinking more water and less alcohol, eating healthier, walking and spending time in nature, and letting go of negative fears, beliefs, and judgments about myself and others.  Now I am much happier and healthier, and it was cheap and easy!  (The foot pads are about $1 per treatment, and I get purified water from the grocery store for 50 cents a gallon.  Notice how what we really need doesn't require a prescription!)