Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bombshell RFK Interview Summarized

Absolutely brilliant.  That’s why they’re trying to exclude Kennedy from ballots, because he isn’t just another puppet who gives lip-service to the public while actually serving corporate and military agendas!  The more I listen to him, the more I like him.  It isn’t just “big pharma” working against him, it’s agriculture and technology giants who are also doing a lot of unhealthy things to us and the planet.  That’s why they are trying to make him seem unviable when really he has the most integrity, bravery, and intelligence of all the candidates.  Some clearly have the intention to weaken the US with a “leader” who is not respected by other countries or even its own people.

Since most won’t listen to the entire 3-hour interview, here’s a brief summary.  Kennedy helped clean up the Hudson River by suing major polluters.  In doing so, he learned a lot about mercury poisoning, which passionate mothers helped him realize was being put into shots that severely damaged their children.  They’ve tried to make whistleblowers seem crazy for telling the truth that these “life-saving treatments” have actually been hurting and killing people.  That got him working against the pharmaceutical industry too, which aggressively campaigned in the 80’s and 90’s for total immunity from prosecution because they actually knew their shots were harmful by nature.  (They actively sought out toxic ingredients like mercury to trigger auto-immune responses in the body!)  Rogan has also been maligned and targeted by them; and he showed how “news” altered a video he released by adding a filter that made him look sick, and dismissed one of his treatments as “horse de-wormer” when it is actually a proven, Nobel Prize-winning medication for humans.  But the pharmaceutical industry didn’t want people to know that because otherwise they couldn’t push their products on us if there was already an existing, effective treatment!

Kennedy also sued Monsanto for spraying glyphosate all over our crops, which has caused a whole host of health issues that people have been lead to believe are genetic or just allergies.  Then he learned how unhealthy so much technology is, with radiation from phones and wi-fi also reducing our immunity.  We’re basically living in a “toxic soup”, which is why detoxing is so helpful (I know from personal experience!)  And media is just as toxic, making people mindless zombies who repeat and do what they are told, who hate others that don’t do the same, and who live in constant fear, division, and delusion thinking they know what’s going on when really they just believe propaganda that has been labeled “truth, facts, news, science, etc.”

RFK vows that his first day in office he would ban pharmaceutical advertising on TV, because the US is one of only two countries that allow it.  Apparently all the others already know how dangerous and unhealthy that is!  I grew up with the popular slogan, "Say no to drugs", but clearly the companies who sell them didn't like that.  They want everyone to say yes to their products, including trying to make them mandatory and demonizing anyone who doesn't take them.