Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bombshell RFK Interview Summarized

Absolutely brilliant.  That’s why they’re trying to exclude Kennedy from ballots, because he isn’t just another puppet who gives lip-service to the public while actually serving corporate and military agendas!  The more I listen to him, the more I like him.  It isn’t just “big pharma” working against him, it’s agriculture and technology giants who are also doing a lot of unhealthy things to us and the planet.  That’s why they are trying to make him seem unviable when really he has the most integrity, bravery, and intelligence of all the candidates.  Some clearly have the intention to weaken the US with a “leader” who is not respected by other countries or even its own people.

Since most won’t listen to the entire 3-hour interview, here’s a brief summary.  Kennedy helped clean up the Hudson River by suing major polluters.  In doing so, he learned a lot about mercury poisoning, which passionate mothers helped him realize was being put into shots that severely damaged their children.  They’ve tried to make whistleblowers seem crazy for telling the truth that these “life-saving treatments” have actually been hurting and killing people.  That got him working against the pharmaceutical industry too, which aggressively campaigned in the 80’s and 90’s for total immunity from prosecution because they actually knew their shots were harmful by nature.  (They actively sought out toxic ingredients like mercury to trigger auto-immune responses in the body!)  Rogan has also been maligned and targeted by them; and he showed how “news” altered a video he released by adding a filter that made him look sick, and dismissed one of his treatments as “horse de-wormer” when it is actually a proven, Nobel Prize-winning medication for humans.  But the pharmaceutical industry didn’t want people to know that because otherwise they couldn’t push their products on us if there was already an existing, effective treatment!

Kennedy also sued Monsanto for spraying glyphosate all over our crops, which has caused a whole host of health issues that people have been lead to believe are genetic or just allergies.  Then he learned how unhealthy so much technology is, with radiation from phones and wi-fi also reducing our immunity.  We’re basically living in a “toxic soup”, which is why detoxing is so helpful (I know from personal experience!)  And media is just as toxic, making people mindless zombies who repeat and do what they are told, who hate others that don’t do the same, and who live in constant fear, division, and delusion thinking they know what’s going on when really they just believe propaganda that has been labeled “truth, facts, news, science, etc.”

RFK vows that his first day in office he would ban pharmaceutical advertising on TV, because the US is one of only two countries that allow it.  Apparently all the others already know how dangerous and unhealthy that is!  I grew up with the popular slogan, "Say no to drugs", but clearly the companies who sell them didn't like that.  They want everyone to say yes to their products, including trying to make them mandatory and demonizing anyone who doesn't take them.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Brief Masterclass on Health and Disease

Above is a comprehensive explanation of how people create their own diseases and heal themselves, including numerous relevant factors and methods that work for different people because of varied belief systems.  You have no idea how much effort this took to make!  The original copy I had to work with is a low resolution video from 1991, which alternated between English and Japanese every few seconds as the speech was translated, making it very difficult to follow along with all the information.  I edited out the Japanese translation to make it easier to understand for more people.  So if the speech pattern or tempo sounds strange to you, that's why.  I also converted it into just audio to save file size and because the words here matter more than seeing the speaker.

The speaker, by the way, is called Bashar.  He actually sounds more "alien" in this older clip, which makes sense that his communication has improved since his earlier work!  Hopefully the odd accent doesn't bother you because he is one of my favorite guides and teachers, as his love and wisdom shine through consistently over the decades of exceptional material he has shared.  To briefly summarize this presentation, basically there is no one right way to heal; people use numerous methods to do so.  Breathing, drinking more water, detoxing, diet and exercise, laughter, music, meditation, etc.  (There is actually a guided healing meditation during the last few minutes.)  But the crux of health and disease is understanding that people are creating those conditions themselves, and that no one else can heal us directly; it is up to our own thoughts and actions.

It is important to know that health is not reserved only for those with a lot of money, but that simple, cheap changes can have big effects.  I know from personal experience, having healed myself from several unpleasant physical challenges that I thought would require expensive surgeries, drugs, or equipment.  That's just what the medical industry wants everyone to think!  But what has worked wonders for me is an ongoing detox regimen (herbal foot pads), drinking more water and less alcohol, eating healthier, walking and spending time in nature, and letting go of negative fears, beliefs, and judgments about myself and others.  Now I am much happier and healthier, and it was cheap and easy!  (The foot pads are about $1 per treatment, and I get purified water from the grocery store for 50 cents a gallon.  Notice how what we really need doesn't require a prescription!)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

US Military Attacked Peaceful ET Visitors in 1942, Still Denies it to Hide World-Changing Truth and Technology

The above article is typical military propaganda and denial, trying to write their own version of history, which is a lie.  The Secretary of Navy calling this a “false alarm” and “jittery nerves” actually makes them look worse than the truth.  As ifonly a mirage” would cause them to unload their entire artillery into the sky for over an hour!  (Eye witness William Tompkins claims it actually lasted several hours until the anti-aircraft guns ran out of ammo, so long that he got bored of watching the pointless shooting.)  Such a lengthy error would make them completely incompetent and insubordinate, a feeble attempt to make it seem like there was nothing there; but that is not the case.

This was an extra-terrestrial mother-ship, and smaller scout craft which emerged from it.  If it was just a big mistake, then why are all those searchlights pointed at the same spot in the sky over the hills in that famous image the newspapers showed?  Was that a collective hallucination by all the soldiers operating those lights?  Why would Tompkins, who was there, say they watched craft flying around with impunity while taking no damage
and not firing back?  The article claims the most logical answer is that the soldiers were just on edge and “trigger-happy” from WWII; but that is not logical when you know the truth.

What is MORE logical is that
covert branches of the military lie to the public to keep people from knowing they have studied, acquired, and reverse-engineered this advanced technology and want to keep it all for themselves.  (Project Pounce is one such example of targeting and quickly securing downed space craft from our visitors.)  What is MORE logical is that these beings were demonstrating that they intend no harm, which is contrary to the fear and threat-based narrative that some are trying to push through their influence of media.  What is MORE logical is that the universe is full of life that has been interacting with us all along, and which some people are trying to monopolize and control.

In a personal note to this story, I lived in Los Angeles for 12 years and find it very interesting that I never heard about this significant event until after I moved away; no one ever mentioned it to me!  People have been collectively brainwashed through their education system and media; and because of this, not everyone is aware that the history they believe is actually a false, manufactured illusion.  On the bright side, it is exciting to discover that,
because then the real learning begins, which is an endless adventure!  Reality is so much greater and more wonderful than the lies labeled “history” ;)

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Funding Ukraine and Israel: Just Another Scam

A government that doesn’t even support its own citizens is not so benevolent that it would care about those on the other side of the planet; it simply wants to appear benevolent so people don’t realize billions of dollars are being stolen and not going to the needy victims of a manufactured conflict, but to those who manufactured the conflict for their own selfish gains.  Media is used to create public support through false and scripted narratives, military action is used to destroy infrastructure and competition under the guise of spreading “freedom and democracy”, then corporations swoop in to rebuild and profit from a new target population.

It’s the same old cycle of creating a problem,
inciting a reaction, and selling a predetermined solution that serves those who created the problem.  It’s been done throughout history, but many people don’t see the pattern because their “trusted sources of information” have actually been lying to them all along, so their view of reality is incredibly limited and distorted.  The amount of theft and deception happening every day is so massive that you have to learn a lot in order to even begin to comprehend the scope and scale of it; because it is going on in every country with every currency, so there is no number you can even use to measure it.

They keep getting away with it by using everything against us: media,
the “legal” system, the “education” system, bribery, censorship, murder, extortion, rigged elections, etc.  It doesn’t matter who you vote for because whoever is elected is still subject to the system and other groups who no one votes for.  Only by becoming aware of how things really work can you make more informed decisions instead of being unknowingly misled by sociopaths and war criminals who have tricked countless people into supporting their agendas and wars.

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Amazing Deception of 9/11, and Lessons From It

Happy false flag operation anniversary ;)  Actually, there have been a lot of those... it’s an unfortunately common tactic used throughout history to create division, enemies, and war.  September 11 was personally significant in that it was a catalyst for great learning and awakening.  I realized that what is presented to the public in mass media is a very controlled, limited narrative that is often not true.  It fools many, but those who research and know more see through the illusion.

We know it is impossible to melt such strong industrial steel and concrete with jet fuel that has such a low, fast burn temperature.  We know the only way to make such tall buildings fall so quickly into their own footprint is with pre-arranged controlled demolition.  We know that building 7 was also brought down without ever being touched by a plane (and it is a BIG clue that it’s completely ignored by most news reports).  We know that plane crashes leave much larger pieces of aircraft than the small debris shown at the Pentagon.  We know how the military-industrial complex operates, doing anything it can to perpetuate conflict, division, and fear to increase its funding and activities.  We know about things like Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA admitted that they infiltrated all major news outlets.

If you still think 9/11 was done by some rogue Arabs, forgive yourself for being deceived by fiendishly clever, international, war-mongering counter-intelligence groups who influence media more than you realize.   It was a magic trick by dark practitioners, fooling many into thinking it was done a certain way by certain people, when the truth is much different and more complex.  Knowing it was a trick and how it was done is incredibly educational and useful for discernment and navigating life on Earth.

So when they say, “Never forget”, what exactly are you remembering?  Are you just re-telling yourself all the lies you have been told that you don’t know are lies?  Or like me, are you reminding yourself that media still lies every day to manipulate the masses for various agendas?  Personally, I am now always aware that reality is an illusion formed by our beliefs, definitions, and stories, and that some unscrupulous interests have gone to extreme lengths to try to control what others think and do.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Much More "UFO" Disclosure Than What "News" Presents


Now THIS is what REAL disclosure looks like!  Not like all the weak, limited, diluted congressional hearings where they tiptoe around truth and are not giving the full story.  Those are gaslighting everyone with false implications like, "We don't know what all these UFO's are so they must be a threat" and, "We don't have any advanced technology that we hide from the public."  All lies.  Fortunately, the tides seem to be turning with more whistleblowers actually appearing in corporate media which has traditionally been hiding and distorting the truth.

Covert human factions have been studying, capturing, and reverse-engineering ET spacecraft for so long while denying they exist and calling them "unidentified".  If they don't know what they are, how do they know they are a threat?  Only certain greedy and corrupt interests see them as a threat to their business models and systems of domination and control.  When people know that there is much better technology than what they have been sold, and that there are much more advanced civilizations who do not answer to those who think they are "elites", it radically transforms us individually and collectively.  If all along governments and news sources have been saying these things aren't real, now all of a sudden they acknowledge that they ARE real, that proves they have been lying for decades, and that the people they have been accusing of lying and making things up have actually been the ones telling the truth.

The most recent official press conference with military and corporate insiders was NOT the first one that Dr. Steven Greer has held.  His first major one was in 2001, which was conveniently ignored by most media outlets.  This just shows that some things are actually the opposite of what people think, that news is not being used to inform the public, but to MIS-inform them.  It is still doing that because it is heavily controlled and censored by the military-industrial complex.  After decades of making people think that ET spacecraft didn't exist in order to use their knowledge and technology in secret, the same "black budget" programs still do not want people knowing about or interfering in their business.  But now that more people are aware "UFO's" are absolutely real, these covert groups have changed their lies to try to convince the public that ET's are all a threat in order to perpetuate division and war, which they have always done.  The bigger threat are the humans inciting conflict between each other, not the more advanced civilizations who have evolved beyond such counter-productive war-mongering!

Monday, July 31, 2023

"Re-capitation" Surgery of Palestinian Boy by Israeli Doctors

Wow, that's the first "RE-capitation" I've heard of, though I'm sure it's not the first ever ;)  What is equally significant is that Israeli doctors saved a Palestinian boy.  That's a good sign of progress, unity, and positivity!  So why didn't I see that mentioned in any of the dozens of headlines about this story?  Why would I be the first I've seen to point that out?  Plenty of articles said that the doctors were Jewish, and I saw a few mention the boy being Arabic; but when I found out he was from Palestine, which has historically been at odds with Israel (to put it lightly), they didn't point out that this was an example of peaceful and loving relations between supposed enemies!

Oh right, because a lot of media is more about division, distraction, suppression, and negativity.  They create enemies for people to go after instead of them.  Seriously, while “news” is focused on politicians and celebrities, there are people and groups doing much worse things to us and our planet.  They're usually only shown in "alternative" media, which is another way for them to try and hide themselves by calling media with a lot of truth "alternative" and media with a lot of lies "mainstream".