Monday, July 31, 2023

"Re-capitation" Surgery of Palestinian Boy by Israeli Doctors

Wow, that's the first "RE-capitation" I've heard of, though I'm sure it's not the first ever ;)  What is equally significant is that Israeli doctors saved a Palestinian boy.  That's a good sign of progress, unity, and positivity!  So why didn't I see that mentioned in any of the dozens of headlines about this story?  Why would I be the first I've seen to point that out?  Plenty of articles said that the doctors were Jewish, and I saw a few mention the boy being Arabic; but when I found out he was from Palestine, which has historically been at odds with Israel (to put it lightly), they didn't point out that this was an example of peaceful and loving relations between supposed enemies!

Oh right, because a lot of media is more about division, distraction, suppression, and negativity.  They create enemies for people to go after instead of them.  Seriously, while “news” is focused on politicians and celebrities, there are people and groups doing much worse things to us and our planet.  They're usually only shown in "alternative" media, which is another way for them to try and hide themselves by calling media with a lot of truth "alternative" and media with a lot of lies "mainstream".

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