Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Pedophiles and Human Traffickers Use Media to Hide Their Crimes

This video is titled, “Why Hollywood Elites Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom.”  Duh, because they’re involved in child trafficking and they don’t want people to know that!  However, I don’t consider them “elites”; it doesn’t matter how much money they have, they are not better than anyone else, especially those who hurt children.  This movie is meeting resistance because those who are engaged in such acts are terrified of being discovered, and want to keep doing it.  As they have significant funds and influence over media and how things are portrayed, they are trying to discredit this film and dissuade people from seeing it so they can continue their illicit, immoral, and harmful business with less public and legal interference.  But their efforts are futile since they only fool some people who are oblivious that they have been fooled by their media which has manipulated their opinions and perspective through mental and verbal tricks.  Fortunately more and more people are waking up and not falling for them.

That’s another good thing about this movie; not only is it illuminating the massive issue of human trafficking, but also media corruption.  People think their sources are good and other ones are propaganda, not realizing that theirs are too.  Significant films like this get some people to recognize that their “trusted sources of information” are not as trustworthy as they think.  Every media outlet that derides this movie is “showing its hand”, indicating that it is owned by pedophiles who are trying to keep their activities secret.  CNN, Rolling Stone, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other brands have blasted a movie that is actually trying to raise awareness of a very serious issue.  Aren’t these the same outlets who try to virtue signal about other social causes?  Why is this cause so different?  Could it be because they are trying to hide their own involvement in such controversial crimes?  Are they trying to control what people focus on and believe?  Could it be that those who demonize certain people and ideas are actually the real demons trying to put all the attention away from themselves?  Absolutely.

None of the negative reviews of "Sound of Freedom" actually give nuanced, valid artistic criticism or any credit to the filmmakers; they just try to make everything and everyone involved seem bad, crazy, wrong, etc.  They attach misleading labels and ideas like “Q-anon”, which has absolutely nothing to do with this movie!  But because they have already created a negative association with that word, they know that applying it to the film will trick some people into believing them.  They say it appeals to white, male “boomers”... more derogatory and untrue claims.  This issue is global, affecting everyone regardless of skin color, sex, or age.  It should be obvious that criminals do anything to not be caught; and in this case, the criminals control a lot of media which they use to their advantage.  Just look at the “expert” CNN featured in the above videos; he just so happens to have the name of one of the most notorious families in history who have been involved in all kinds of crimes against humanity: the Rothschilds!  The truth is right there for anyone who knows how to read between the lines.  But because this subject makes many people uncomfortable, not everyone is ready for truth, as their weaponized media has gotten them more used to believing lies.

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