Friday, July 28, 2023

The Illusion of a "Free Press": The Military-Industrial Complex Uses Media To Manipulate People

Some people are delusional, mistakenly thinking it’s all other media that is full of lies and propaganda, but not theirs.  For the few minutes I gave NPR to check out their current brainwashing lineup today, it was more of the same: pushing drugs and lies.  Their first hilarious attempt was to debunk the very concept of conspiracy theories!  They tried to dismiss them all away as imagination and misinformation.  HA!  They’re the ones giving misinformation and lying, actually projecting their own guilt on others, and desperately trying to keep people from realizing they are the real liars.

An integral part of some conspiracies is to conceal them by making people disbelieve and dismiss them.  News is actually perpetuating many “conspiracy theories”, in that much of their “stories” are fabricated, made up, incorrect, inaccurate!  They try to create an illusion of honesty and truth, but when you actually listen to other sources they try to discredit, then you know why they are doing that, because you know they are the ones who are lying and conspiring.

As if there are no groups of people working together to achieve any agendas.  That’s basically what conspiracy means ("conspiring" more literally translates as “breathing together”).  NPR actually tried to convince people that there are no conspiracy theories, or that none of them are true, which is ironically just another conspiracy!  They’re basically saying, “Nothing to see over there... Don’t believe anything but what we tell you to believe… Anything different than what we say is a lie, we’re the only ones telling the truth.”  Just another lie they want you to think.

From a certain perspective EVERYTHING can be defined as a conspiracy, an orchestration, a co-creation.  Different people work together to achieve different goals.  Conspiracies aren’t even always bad or negative like some seem to think.  People are conspiring to heal and steal, to thrill and kill, to create and destroy.  If you actually do research instead of dismiss things as just “theories”, you will find many of them are actually true realities for people, or at least based on truth to some degree.  In that sense, again a lot of the things people believe are “science, truth, fact, news, history, etc.” are actually theories which are not really true, but which seem true from their perspective of consciousness.  But from others, they are the theories which are incorrect.

After NPR failed to convince me that every conspiracy I’ve discovered and deeply researched is all just crazy theories that aren’t really happening, the next segment I heard later failed to convince me that pharmaceuticals are the only possible treatment for anything.  Obviously sponsored by Eli Lilly, it was yet another “commercial in disguise”, or an ad for a drug that is just called “news”.  Their latest poison (seriously, search “etymology pharmaceutical”) is currently being promoted as the best treatment for Alzheimers.

But actually what is healthier for people than putting more heavily processed chemicals in their body, is detoxing, or taking things OUT of their body.  This is why almost every pharmaceutical product has “side effects”, which shows that they are doing more than just what they claim.  They are actually creating repeat customers to sell more drugs after they develop more problems from the previous drugs!  It’s diabolically effective, as they have raked in countless amounts of money over time, thriving off other peoples’ disease and suffering, making it seem like they are trying to end them, but if they actually did, they would be out of business.  Which means that those who some people trust to heal them are actually hurting them.

Clearly the drug and media companies don’t care about that, they just care about the money.  In case you haven’t noticed, a large amount of media is sponsored by big pharma.  What is less obvious because it is not advertised is that much of it is also funded and influenced by covert agencies like the CIA.  This means the idea of a “free press” is just an illusion created to keep people ignorant of the fact that their media is full of lies, propaganda, subliminal advertising, and psychological warfare.

It's like people are in an abusive relationship with their media; they don't realize how much they are being lied to, manipulated, and used by interests who own and control what they see and hear.  ALL major sources of information have been targeted, infiltrated, influenced, and bought by various groups and agencies.  So what some people think are diverse views and ideas are actually coming from the same minds who have tricked them into thinking they are getting truth and a broader spectrum of perspectives.  But actually they are just getting what mega-corporations and counter-intelligence agencies want people to think is true in order to serve their monolithic agendas.  As one news whistleblower put it, they are basically still taking dictation from the right hand of the king.  When you know that though, you stop paying attention to that echo-chamber of noise and find better sources that have been labeled "alternative" to make them seem less credible.

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