Tuesday, July 18, 2023

"Agent Zelensky" Reveals More Lies in News



That’s a lot of expensive properties around the world for a “humble servant of the people”.  Also, that’s some pretty lame reality TV and acting work they’ve tried to hide to make him seem more legitimate.  He literally played the president in a show called “Servant of the People” where he developed his character for his current role!  It’s gratifying to see my suspicions confirmed that he’s just another puppet and tool of the military-industrial complex by learning about his handler in British intelligence.

Everything that has been presented to the public through news media is a carefully crafted, scripted, acted, staged production.  The costumes, flags, speeches, coverage, all designed to fool people into believing narratives and supporting agendas they otherwise would not.  The MIC thrives on war, when most people want peace; so it has been tricking them into fighting under false pretenses instead of the real reasons of money, power, land, and resources.  Some peoples’ entire history is a lie, which makes it easier to keep repeating it because so many are living under the illusion of knowledge, and die without ever learning the real truth.  The biggest weapon of war is not nuclear bombs, it is media which brainwashes billions of people every day.

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