Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bashar - my new favorite teacher/guide

I love this guy, which is why I'm sharing him!  (Though it really isn't just one "guy".)  Then again, I love all people; but I don't share ALL people with you, only the most extraordinary (according to my own awareness).  Having absorbed hours of his work, I fully believe that he is who he claims to be.  If you doubt it, that's ok!  His origins are less important than the incredible quality and quantity of his information and presentation.  Even if you think he's "only human", you can't deny that he is still an exceptional one.  His energy and affect on people is obvious; though I know it's too much for some.  But the more you can tune-in to it, the more you will learn about yourself and everything else.  Bashar means "messenger", and he certainly lives up to the title.

These are just 2 out of MANY videos/subjects out there.  I've chosen these particular ones for their widespread relevance.  They both deserve WAY more views (as of this post, the first has less than 4,000, the second less than 50,000).  EVERYONE should know these things, so please share them.  There is profound significance and value in this knowledge/perspective.  Do you see it?

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Andrew Bartzis - human search engine

I don't believe in worshiping anyone or anything; but if I did, this guy would currently be at the top of my list. He calls himself a galactic historian, but I'm sure this title puts off some people who wrongly think they know enough about both the galaxy and history. Many have been tricked into dismissing history as boring or irrelevant, because what they've been given is. History is just another word for information, which is VITAL to survive and thrive. This is why some have kept it from others, because of its power. I know I wasn't taught about the Akashic Records; I had to learn about them on my own. If you're unfamiliar, I suggest doing some research. They're an ancient, non-physical, non-local recording of reality that can only be accessed through certain minds and technologies. Akashic Records are not perfect (apparently they've been edited/redacted to a degree, just like more familiar media), but they are still MUCH more accurate and complete than any other source I've come across. Forget Google, Wikipedia, and the internet in general; Akashic Records put them all to shame! And this guy can "read" them at will.

Many of you will dismiss this information, as it is so far beyond your own limited set. But if you have the patience, persistence, and background, you will learn more than you ever thought you could know. Believe it or not, this is one of the less esoteric, more relatable videos I've seen of his, which is why I'm sharing it. If you want to better understand war, religion, politics, money, time, and everything else, this will help. Is he telling the truth? There's no such thing; only more information/perspective. And this guy has the most of anyone I've found so far. He has no gaps in consistency, or lag in response time (except when limited by human language). Quite the valuable resource, if you recognize him as such.