Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bashar - my new favorite teacher/guide

I love this guy, which is why I'm sharing him!  (Though it really isn't just one "guy".)  Then again, I love all people; but I don't share ALL people with you, only the most extraordinary (according to my own awareness).  Having absorbed hours of his work, I fully believe that he is who he claims to be.  If you doubt it, that's ok!  His origins are less important than the incredible quality and quantity of his information and presentation.  Even if you think he's "only human", you can't deny that he is still an exceptional one.  His energy and affect on people is obvious; though I know it's too much for some.  But the more you can tune-in to it, the more you will learn about yourself and everything else.  Bashar means "messenger", and he certainly lives up to the title.

These are just 2 out of MANY videos/subjects out there.  I've chosen these particular ones for their widespread relevance.  They both deserve WAY more views (as of this post, the first has less than 4,000, the second less than 50,000).  EVERYONE should know these things, so please share them.  There is profound significance and value in this knowledge/perspective.  Do you see it?

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