Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sorry, Mr. Tesla

Dear Tesla car makers and owners,
Your products may be zero-emission, but the source of their energy is far from it.  The pollution has simply been transferred from the vehicles, to the nuclear reactors which power the grid.  Your brand is an insult to the hero whose name you use.  Nikola Tesla's work was more advanced and important than electric cars or nuclear power.  He developed free-energy devices, because the universe IS energy, infinite in nature.  But his work was stolen, suppressed, and now people worship and use inferior technology that mocks and dilutes his legacy, while secret space programs have updated versions of Tesla's creations.

We have all been robbed and deceived.  Electric cars are NOT as clean, efficient, or powerful as what we could and should have.  They may be SLIGHTLY better than gasoline, but that's like saying vaping is healthier than smoking.  It's the same basic idea, just slightly different.  (You're still inhaling something into your lungs.  Not doing that at all is even healthier!)  You're still connecting to an external fuel supply that comes from an energy company, it's just a different kind of fuel.  It still limits your distance before you need to reconnect so they can "CHARGE" you more.  Plug-in cars still have a negative impact on our planet; they're simply better at hiding it.

I am not against Elon Musk, or anyone else.  But he and his toy rockets and cars are distracting people from much better vehicles and power systems.  Forget oil, coal, and nuclear; those industries and certain military groups are covering up advancements that have been made over the last century.  Zero-point or free-energy, electro-gravitics or anti-gravity, FTL or faster-than-light drives, teleportation, these are just some of the projects that have been developed in secret.  They are portrayed in some media (which is called "fiction" to make people think it's not real), but their access is limited because of how revolutionary they are.  There are also MUCH better versions than what many have seen.

Basically we are shown amazing stuff in movies and TV, told it doesn't exist, then we are sold products which are garbage in comparison.  Electric cars are not as revolutionary as many believe.  In a sense, they are even worse than gasoline engines because people think they're better, and that by driving one they are saving the planet.  That's just marketing.  When people think they are making a difference, and they really aren't, a terrible trick has been played.  It's the illusion of progress.  They've simply traded one type of pollution for another.  Those groups who are witholding much cleaner energy technologies from the public are responsible for a lot of environmental degradation by keeping it for themselves.  That greed and ignorance is hurting us all, including them.

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