Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Say NO to 5G!

A link to articles showing the down-sides of 5G

If "5G" is so great, why are so many global scientists and citizens against it?  Why do they call it unhealthy, but none of the commercials feature them?  Because they are pointing out what the companies who created it don't know, and don't want others to know.  It is weaponized energy/information technology, a next generation of versions already being used, a relatively negative alliance and use of satellites, phones, towers, wi-fi routers, computers, dirty power plants, etc.  It spreads harmful radiation through our bodies and planet.  The polluting energy factories are powering buildings, gadgets, vehicles, the technology we are using right now.  The towers, phones, routers, "smart" appliances, etc. all use microwave frequencies, transmitting them up to different distances.  The closer you are to the source, the stronger the signal.

You can only see this radiation through certain kinds of dosimeters, but you can certainly see some of the effects it has on ourselves and our environments.  Don't believe it?  Put a tri-field meter near your wi-fi and watch it spike HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of times higher than ambient levels (depending on the model).  A few free apps can help you see these frequencies, but you have to make sure you're measuring in watts or micro-watts.  Some people have doubted that phones can detect this type of energy, but why not?  It's exactly what they use and how they work!

5G is yet another project of the military-industrial complex, rolled out through telecom companies.  The surveillance aspect of it is far less concerning than the detrimental health effects.  That's why they are advertising it so much, to convince people to actually want it, and to think it's good.  You don't have to advertise things we need, like water and air; because we KNOW we need them.  The more you learn, the more you know what to do and not do!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Who Made Coronavirus?

According to my sources (and intuition), coronavirus is a designed disease, manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.  This is a common "Hegelian" tactic to maximize profits by creating a problem and a solution at the same time in order to sell the solution (treatment).  First they expose people to the disease through vaccines (or another medium), letting it spread and gain notoriety.  Of course they say it comes from bats, monkeys, pigs, birds, cows, or anywhere else other than them.  (Sometimes that is actually true, but they don't tell people that they were the ones who derived and developed the virus from that source.)

After a certain amount of time has passed and media coverage has grown, they finally market the pills or shots to the public to seem like they've saved people, when they were responsible for making them ill in the first place.  The treatment was already created, but if they released it right away, it would reduce the spread of the disease, and therefore reduce the profits made from selling the treatment.  It would also be more obvious that they created the virus as well, since people would wonder how they came up with a cure so fast.

This method has been disclosed in movies like "Mission Impossible 2", so I'm sure some will just dismiss it as "fiction", instead of recognizing that more self-serving people actually use it.  But they really don't want you to know that.  If you do, then you know whoever manufactures and profits from the treatment is often behind the illness too.  Hence the Latin phrase "qui bono", or "who benefits".

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Personal Changes

Some of my friends and loved ones do not understand some of my updated behaviors and information.  I don't want them to think ill of me, because I don't of them.  But I feel their concern in their questions and tones.  I know I can't live or learn for anyone else, but I would at least like to attempt to clarify why I no longer do many of the things that they still do.  Clearly they do them because they feel it serves them and others in different ways.  I've just learned things they haven't yet.  This is not a judgment against anyone else, simply an explanation of myself.  I don't judge others; I love and listen to them.

Everyone has and IS their own path, reality, universe, etc.  Everything is also constantly changing, just at different rates.  You accelerate your rate of change through learning, action, experience.  I've been studying every subject from every source that I can, whereas some people are much more limited in their focus.  When you open yourself up to more information, perspectives, people, and realities, you learn much more.  The more you learn, the more you change; and the more you change, the more you learn.  This is a simple, general explanation, but let's get more specific.

Why do I, and many others not like taxes?  A little over 100 years ago, the biggest names in banking (Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Rockefeller, Morgan, etc.) met in secret on Jekyll Island to devise a plan to become even more obscenely rich.  They pooled their resources and connections to manipulate media, laws, and people to create institutions with "official" sounding names (like The Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service), so people would think the taxes they pay are going back into their community/country.  These organizations are privately owned, despite what people have been led to believe.  So what they collect is actually going to the bankers who created them.  If people know they are being robbed, they often fight back.  But if they think they are contributing to their society, they will not only accept taxes, they will also judge or dislike those who don't.

If you don't know this, you go along thinking you are a good citizen doing your part.  If you DO know this, you see that "doing your part", actually means giving your money to those who already have plenty, and only want more.  Then you may start seeing taxes as less positive, good, or beneficial than you did before.  If you're like me, you see it as an elaborate and costly hoax that tricks people into giving their money to money masters (or addicts, depending on your perspective/definition).   They have siphoned an incalculable amount out of every country, company, and person that they can by hiding their ownership of financial institutions.  "Our" money is in "their" banks; so to them, it's all theirs.  (The interest they give is a fraction or pittance compared to what they make.)

The very communities people think their taxes benefit are actually being funneled out of them.  Meanwhile, those of us who know the trick and do what we can to stop it are vilified as some kind of "mooch" or "free-loader" by those who don't know it's a trick.  They think we are trying to get out of contributing.  In a sense, that's true because we recognize that we have not been contributing to who we thought.  It's like discovering the charity you've been giving to is a money-laundering front for the mafia.  When you realize that, you stop giving to it.  We are practicing what Martin Luther King Jr. called non-violent non-participation in a corrupt system that some do not see as corrupt.

It's the same story with voting.  People are raised to think that's how you participate.  But if you learn how the system really works, you no longer see it that way.  You see that it doesn't matter who you vote for, they are not you.  You are putting your focus and faith in someone else, rather than yourself.  And whoever you vote for, they have been pre-selected by others who influence them much more than you do.  They have chosen all the candidates in advance, so people are merely picking from a limited, control group; so whoever wins, they win.  It's like choosing between Coke and Pepsi.  They're basically the same thing, and some of us don't want either because we recognize they are not healthy.  It's an illusion of choice where people incorrectly believe their vote counts more than all the money used to influence the candidates.  What do you think affects their decisions more, your vote, or millions of dollars from lobbies and corporations?

Presidents and politicians are not more powerful than you, some just think they are.  You are in charge of your life more than they are.  What you do is up to you, not them.  That is just a grown-up game of "follow the leader".  But when the people lead, the leaders follow.  You are your own best leader and decision-maker.  When you know that, you see voting as a form of dis-empowerment, passing off responsibility, expecting others to represent and act for you.  They can't; they can only act for themselves.  Your life and your behavior is up to you, not others.  Ironically when you stop voting because you recognize this, some judge you as shirking responsibility instead of actually accepting it for yourself.  As Gandhi said, we are BEING the change we wish to see.  Perhaps those stickers people proudly wear to say, "I voted" should instead say, "I abdicated my personal responsibility", or "Let someone else make changes and decisions for me".  How does that seem to be working out for everyone?