Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Say NO to 5G!

A link to articles showing the down-sides of 5G

If "5G" is so great, why are so many global scientists and citizens against it?  Why do they call it unhealthy, but none of the commercials feature them?  Because they are pointing out what the companies who created it don't know, and don't want others to know.  It is weaponized energy/information technology, a next generation of versions already being used, a relatively negative alliance and use of satellites, phones, towers, wi-fi routers, computers, dirty power plants, etc.  It spreads harmful radiation through our bodies and planet.  The polluting energy factories are powering buildings, gadgets, vehicles, the technology we are using right now.  The towers, phones, routers, "smart" appliances, etc. all use microwave frequencies, transmitting them up to different distances.  The closer you are to the source, the stronger the signal.

You can only see this radiation through certain kinds of dosimeters, but you can certainly see some of the effects it has on ourselves and our environments.  Don't believe it?  Put a tri-field meter near your wi-fi and watch it spike HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of times higher than ambient levels (depending on the model).  A few free apps can help you see these frequencies, but you have to make sure you're measuring in watts or micro-watts.  Some people have doubted that phones can detect this type of energy, but why not?  It's exactly what they use and how they work!

5G is yet another project of the military-industrial complex, rolled out through telecom companies.  The surveillance aspect of it is far less concerning than the detrimental health effects.  That's why they are advertising it so much, to convince people to actually want it, and to think it's good.  You don't have to advertise things we need, like water and air; because we KNOW we need them.  The more you learn, the more you know what to do and not do!

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