Tuesday, June 15, 2021

"Exopolitics" Coming to Light: Signs of Progress

 NBC News - "Truth embargo": UFO's are suddenly all the talk in Washington

Disclosure/admission is ramping up, and will only increase as individual and collective consciousness expands.  This is a good sign that people who have been hiding or unaware of certain things are now becoming more aware and finally admitting truths that they previously would not.  From these sources of perceived “power” and “authority”, disclosure will be very limited.  Many do not know as much as some people think, and many will not share everything because they don’t believe it serves them.  Those who are more negative by their nature are interpreting things negatively, through a filter of fear.

YOUR interpretation and state of being is up to YOU.  Each individual’s life is their own and no one else’s.  Everyone is a unique, complete, fractal expression of creation, a universe unto themselves.  Therefore, everything you need to know can be found within.  But others do help us discover more through their own knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.  Here is a bit more of my own:

Open contact with our cosmic family will grow over the next few years (what some call “ET’s and aliens”, the labels change as you do).  Much contact has already taken place, but has not been more public because some people have clearly not been ready for it.   But they have been psychologically prepared through much media that has been labeled “science fiction”, which actually contains much more truth than many have yet to realize (albeit, some of it is spun through a negative, fear-based narrative).  Truth is such a personal discovery; some truths you cannot recognize are true until you learn other things first.

The civilization that is planning to make themselves more visible and available in the next few years are called The Yah-Yel, or Shalanaya (“those who come first”).  They have already made numerous appearances, including the infamous “Phoenix Lights”, and they are more closely related to Earth people in genetics and appearance, which more smoothly paves the way for future contact with beings who are MUCH more varied and "exotic".  This will minimize the shock that some have had encountering entities who are so different that they have adverse reactions to experiencing something so unfamiliar and “alien” to them.

The universe is FULL of diverse life, as has been depicted in “sci-fi” to a limited degree.  Some have known this for a long time, others have yet to realize this truth.  But the fact that more mainstream media sources are finally starting to discuss such subjects (rather than historically omitting and mocking them) is definitely a positive step that signifies progress, and the coming of increased enlightenment, prosperity, and integration into the cosmic community.

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