Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cosmic Hoax Documentary Discloses Military and ET Agendas and Technologies


“This is not a story about a hoax that might happen in the future.  This is a story about a cosmic hoax that has been unfolding for sixty years.”

Provocative opening lines from the latest documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the “father of the modern disclosure movement”.  He arranged a major press conference with insiders and witnesses in 2001 and has been tirelessly continuing his mission of public education since then; but disclosure has really been going on for eons.  Truth is reflected and encoded in ancient art and texts, but there has been great effort to keep some of these from the masses, or to release heavily edited versions so that the truth is distorted and less obvious.  You don’t really recognize something as disclosure unless you are aware it is reflecting something true and real.  But thanks to the internet and the expanding collective consciousness of people, it is getting harder to hide things (though there is still much misinformation and misinterpretation).

Speaking of “full disclosure”, I met Dr. Greer twice in California, and have enjoyed every one of his documentaries: “Sirius”, “Unacknowledged”, "Close Encounters of the 5th Kind”, and his latest film is no exception (in that it is exceptional!)  An important point to note is that it was released for FREE as a fair-use, creative commons, non-monetized work.  This should indicate the positive nature of the film and its makers, being more interested in spreading truth and educating the public rather than making money from them (though they still do that through apps and media because money is still part of Earth's collective operating systems).  You can feel the urgency to release this comes from a belief that the information serves the collective good by revealing capabilities and negative intentions of certain groups to create deceptive events for their own agendas and gains.  This has been done throughout history to manufacture wars and division between people for various reasons.

Of course 9/11 is referenced as one such deceptive act (which some call a “false-flag”), meaning that media was used to make it seem like it was done by different people for different reasons than was actually the case.  If everyone knew the truth about who really destroyed those buildings and how and why, there would have been no support from the public to send troops to the Middle East.  So those who wanted that to happen had to concoct an extremely elaborate hoax to convince people that they were going after “bad guys”, instead of invading other countries, which they would not support if that’s the way they saw it.  Many events including terrorist attacks and assassinations have actually been carried out by covert military-intelligence operatives on behalf of certain groups who use them for their own selfish ends.  They also use mass media to present their version of events over and over to convince people that they had nothing to do with such actions, but that they were carried out by other radical groups, nations, or individuals.  This is basically a form of “black magic trick”, where some very clever people use technology and deception to mislead others into believing a false narrative.

(JFK was actually shot by the 2 agents in the front seat of the limo, which explains why his wife was climbing over the back of the car to escape the real assassins.  Oswald was then blamed as the scape-goat and other deceptions were crafted like the supposed "grassy knoll shooter" to create more confusion and diversion from the truth.  A clear and full video of the incident shows the agents subtly looking and firing behind them, but notice how most videos crop them out; otherwise the falsity of the lone-gunman narrative is obvious.  This is not featured in the movie, it is just another example of how people are manipulated to believe lies through the power of media.)

A major repeated narrative that has been portrayed in mainstream media for a long time is fear of extra-terrestrials and aliens.  Countless movies, TV shows, and video games depict them as evil, ugly, hostile villains.  There are positive representations as well, but the more negative ones are quite numerous and they reflect negative agendas and mindsets of division, hatred, and war.  The basic premise of “The Cosmic Hoax” is that all these examples of fear-mongering have been psychologically influencing people and building toward a planned “invasion scenario” that will be made to seem like ETs are here to destroy us or take over.  The idea is that this will create massive military and financial support for advanced weapons and technology to be both manufactured and revealed.  A big secret (to some) is that certain Earth groups already possess such technology, and have tricked people into thinking it is alien.

(Three renderings and one actual photo of craft from covert Earth space programs.)

Make no mistake, MANY spacecraft are actually from somewhere else, so there are multiple categories of ships both from Earth and other places.  Not knowing this can create confusion like incorrectly assuming that every advanced ship you see is alien.  Knowing that some of these craft are actually being flown by Earth people gives you more discernment and awareness that you can’t just lump all of these ships into the same group.  There is another nefarious tactic also in play, which is to convince people that very positive ETs are actually negative.  In this case, when those people witness a craft or being that is really from somewhere else, they will be afraid or hostile instead of loving and welcoming.  In either case, the intended interpretation is one of invasion or threat.  This prevents more diplomatic exchange and learning, which is also the case even between people from the same planet.  It basically holds everyone back by limiting beneficial interactions due to your own inner fears.

(More ET types of craft, though ones from Earth can look similar, making it more difficult to distinguish between them.)

“There are 3 major lies of the current false-flag disclosure of UFO’s in the media.
#1: We do not know what UFO’s are.  LIE
#2: The US military does not have any aircraft that can perform in the way these UFO’s maneuver.  LIE
#3: They are a threat to national security.  LIE" - Dr. Steven Greer

To clarify, some people really don’t know what these craft are, or that covert Earth groups have made their own versions, or that most ETs are not a threat.  Military personal are trained to see EVERYTHING as a possible threat, which is a very fear-based, defensive way to live.  But some within these organizations and within the general public absolutely know these things.  Remember that military and intelligence agencies use secrecy, deception, and compartmentalization as basic operating tools.  The famous SR71 Blackbird was flying missions for decades before its existence was acknowledged.  There are even more advanced craft whose propulsion systems are so radically efficient and powerful that they would completely transform the energy sector that major corporations profit from; so they take extreme measures to keep people ignorant of such science and technology, seeing it as a threat to their business rather than a benefit to mankind.  And because certain groups have been lying to everyone and committing even greater atrocities, they are not eager for people to learn the truth about their negative activities for fear of retribution.

(Four artistic renderings and one actual photo of ET craft.  They can be any shape and size.)

“When they say, ‘This is a mystery we need to solve’, that is not true… The US military has reams of information on every shape of craft, where it’s from, who’s driving it, what they’re up to… The military-industrial complex is not stupid… they know exactly what’s going on.” - John Warner IV (son of US Senator John Warner III)

Of course, this is not just an American issue, but a global one as well.  ALL major countries and corporations have revolutionary technologies that they are not sharing with the public, except by showing them in media and labeling it “fiction”.  Some call this “hiding in plain sight”, which is a very deceptive form of disclosure, showing real things, but saying they are “not real”.  The opposite strategy is used for news and history, where false things are often labeled as truth, facts, or science.  Thus, there is much confusion and misinterpretation which serves negative agendas of domination and control.  Whether you believe it or not, there are also secret space programs from Germany, China, Russia, Japan, and many other nations, corporations, and intelligence agencies.  These various factions have access to technology that many people would think is from the future because it is so much more advanced than what they think is possible.  This is an important point, because your beliefs, information, and definitions determine how you perceive your reality.  (These details are not covered in this film, but I have learned them from studying many other sources as well.)

“News articles from the 1950’s describe how we were on the cusp of unlocking the secrets of gravity, which would unleash a technological revolution.  But suddenly the articles stop without explanation.  This is the point where we cracked anti-gravity technologies, and it went totally covert.” - The Cosmic Hoax

It is important to distinguish that the “we” in that quote refers to American scientists.  Germans actually had gravitic technology even earlier, which is hinted in the film, but not really extrapolated.  As I said, researching many more sources gives you an even greater view of all that has been going on which is intentionally left out of news media.  There is always more to learn, and no single work can possibly portray all history and information.  But this film is excellent in terms of its coverage and presentation of truths that have not been openly admitted for obvious reasons.  Sometimes learning means unlearning what you think is true, which can be challenging; but it is also rewarding to have a greater understanding and clearer view of the world, universe, and yourself.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Movie Poster Shows Occult Symbol of Secret Society and Alien Antarctic Structure


Another example of disclosure in “fiction”.  For those unfamiliar with occult knowledge, that symbol on the flag which appropriately replaces the stars was used by “The Order of the Black Sun”, a German secret society.  It is also found on the floor of an old castle in Wewelsburg used by Nazi forces.  They were obviously interested in esoteric teachings, and this is a big clue as to who is involved in what people call the “deep state” or “shadow government”, which includes both people from this planet, and others.

This idea represents the fact that beings from other worlds have been visiting and interacting with Earth for billions of years.  Some of them have been covertly working “behind the scenes” with world leaders and organizations, making major decisions and directing events with absolutely no input or will of the public; which means that the governments being shown on the news are really a “dog and pony show” that creates the illusion of democracy.  In actuality, other beings and people with no public record or well-known names have been influencing politics, media, technology, wars, banks, corporations, schools, religions, etc.  Clearly some do not know this yet, because they are not ready to.  Earth humans exist as they do because of genetic mixing with extra-terrestrials, and various civilizations have played major roles in our history, despite some people remaining completely unaware.  Clues to this truth/reality are encoded into religious texts and media that is labeled “fantasy” or “fiction”.  But art reflects life, and vice versa.  (Note how the above symbol even resembles a flying saucer, and actually depicts the physics of how some of them operate.)

Popular movies and video games show the universe inhabited by a vast diversity of life.  This is absolutely true; but people have been given a conflicting label that this is only science “fiction”, which creates a false sense of being disconnected from our cosmic neighbors and other-selves.  These conflicting ideas have created what some call “Fermi’s Paradox”, where people recognize the vastness of the universe and inherently know that it is full of life, but they can’t see it.  Many people have had encounters, but some do not know that or even remember their own.  Their vision of it is clouded by the negative definition that this is “not real”.  Our beliefs and definitions determine how we view everything; so if you believe you are alone, that is what you experience.  Even if you are seemingly alone in a room, a car, a desert, or anywhere, that is only true from a limited perspective.  But we have never been alone.  It can SEEM like you are alone; but again, that is an experience created purely through limited beliefs and definitions.

Back to the symbol of the “black sun”, according to two Navy SEAL whistle-blowers, they also saw that same symbol on an ancient alien structure in Antarctica.  Based on the ice surrounding it, they estimated it was at least millions of years old.  (Antarctica used to be much more habitable on the surface, but now most of the people living there are in underground bases and cities.)  Below are interpretations of what the men saw, including a quote from one of them.  (For more information, watch Linda Moulton Howe's interview with them called "Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice".)

It is possible that German explorers discovered this structure and replicated that symbol in the castle at Wewelsburg, as more hidden history has revealed that the German high command operated a secret base in Antarctica for some time (Neuschwabenland).  Or perhaps they were given the symbol through the psychic channeling of the Vril Society's Maria Orsic.  In any case, this “breakaway” civilization has also been part of what some call the dark or deep state, being responsible for various events over the last century without many people even knowing they exist.   For more information about their capabilities and history, research “Operation Highjump”.  That is a gateway for some to learn about much more amazing things both on Earth, and beyond.  (Related subjects to discover are German secret space programs like Nachtwaffen and Kreuger, and their Draco allies...)

(This is a photo of an actual warship used in Operation Highjump.  The cover story is that it was just a scientific expedition.  But if you dig deeper, you will find that the US military sent its best weapons and troops to attack a secret German base in Antarctica.  They were easily repelled by the superior technology they came up against.  Neither side wanted the event publicized to hide the American defeat, and to hide the existence of the base and its occupants.)