Thursday, July 8, 2021

Movie Poster Shows Occult Symbol of Secret Society and Alien Antarctic Structure


Another example of disclosure in “fiction”.  For those unfamiliar with occult knowledge, that symbol on the flag which appropriately replaces the stars was used by “The Order of the Black Sun”, a German secret society.  It is also found on the floor of an old castle in Wewelsburg used by Nazi forces.  They were obviously interested in esoteric teachings, and this is a big clue as to who is involved in what people call the “deep state” or “shadow government”, which includes both people from this planet, and others.

This idea represents the fact that beings from other worlds have been visiting and interacting with Earth for billions of years.  Some of them have been covertly working “behind the scenes” with world leaders and organizations, making major decisions and directing events with absolutely no input or will of the public; which means that the governments being shown on the news are really a “dog and pony show” that creates the illusion of democracy.  In actuality, other beings and people with no public record or well-known names have been influencing politics, media, technology, wars, banks, corporations, schools, religions, etc.  Clearly some do not know this yet, because they are not ready to.  Earth humans exist as they do because of genetic mixing with extra-terrestrials, and various civilizations have played major roles in our history, despite some people remaining completely unaware.  Clues to this truth/reality are encoded into religious texts and media that is labeled “fantasy” or “fiction”.  But art reflects life, and vice versa.  (Note how the above symbol even resembles a flying saucer, and actually depicts the physics of how some of them operate.)

Popular movies and video games show the universe inhabited by a vast diversity of life.  This is absolutely true; but people have been given a conflicting label that this is only science “fiction”, which creates a false sense of being disconnected from our cosmic neighbors and other-selves.  These conflicting ideas have created what some call “Fermi’s Paradox”, where people recognize the vastness of the universe and inherently know that it is full of life, but they can’t see it.  Many people have had encounters, but some do not know that or even remember their own.  Their vision of it is clouded by the negative definition that this is “not real”.  Our beliefs and definitions determine how we view everything; so if you believe you are alone, that is what you experience.  Even if you are seemingly alone in a room, a car, a desert, or anywhere, that is only true from a limited perspective.  But we have never been alone.  It can SEEM like you are alone; but again, that is an experience created purely through limited beliefs and definitions.

Back to the symbol of the “black sun”, according to two Navy SEAL whistle-blowers, they also saw that same symbol on an ancient alien structure in Antarctica.  Based on the ice surrounding it, they estimated it was at least millions of years old.  (Antarctica used to be much more habitable on the surface, but now most of the people living there are in underground bases and cities.)  Below are interpretations of what the men saw, including a quote from one of them.  (For more information, watch Linda Moulton Howe's interview with them called "Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice".)

It is possible that German explorers discovered this structure and replicated that symbol in the castle at Wewelsburg, as more hidden history has revealed that the German high command operated a secret base in Antarctica for some time (Neuschwabenland).  Or perhaps they were given the symbol through the psychic channeling of the Vril Society's Maria Orsic.  In any case, this “breakaway” civilization has also been part of what some call the dark or deep state, being responsible for various events over the last century without many people even knowing they exist.   For more information about their capabilities and history, research “Operation Highjump”.  That is a gateway for some to learn about much more amazing things both on Earth, and beyond.  (Related subjects to discover are German secret space programs like Nachtwaffen and Kreuger, and their Draco allies...)

(This is a photo of an actual warship used in Operation Highjump.  The cover story is that it was just a scientific expedition.  But if you dig deeper, you will find that the US military sent its best weapons and troops to attack a secret German base in Antarctica.  They were easily repelled by the superior technology they came up against.  Neither side wanted the event publicized to hide the American defeat, and to hide the existence of the base and its occupants.)

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