Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Doctor Shows Shocking Image of Post-Vaccine Blood Sample

This video was shared with me by my mother, who was a microbiologist at a pharmaceutical company for years.  I’m not sure you’ll be able to watch it, either because it has been blocked or “fact-checked”, which is the new euphemism for censored.  Or you may be too programmed to believe anything other than the propaganda broadcast constantly throughout mainstream media that has been labeled “news, facts, science, etc.”  On this planet, so much of what is given to the public every day is highly edited and distorted information.  Conversely, so much of what has been censored and removed is very true and accurate.  Those who do this claim it is to protect you from misinformation or “fake news”; that is a lie.  They do this because they do not want you to know truth; they want you focused on what they want you to think is true.

Anyone who claims that keeping things from you is for your protection is clearly acting out of fear-based beliefs, which indicates a negative mindset.  The more information you have, the better decisions you make.  If you go for a hike in the woods, you are better off knowing what animals are in the area, what are the major landmarks, where sources of water are, which plants are edible and which ones are poisonous, etc.  Otherwise you are less prepared and your chances of injury or death increase.  There are large agencies and organizations devoted to acquiring as much information as possible; and part of their operation also involves twisting and hiding information from the public, which they think gives them strategic advantage.  So if someone is keeping information from you, it is not to serve you, but they believe it serves them.

Have you seen side-by-side images comparing different kinds of vaccinated and non-vaccinated blood?  Have you thoroughly researched the ingredients of what is being injected into people’s bodies?  Don’t you find it suspicious that such information is not more readily available or discussed?  Are you aware that all major drug companies have paid out MASSIVE amounts of money in settlements for damages caused by their products, and they continuously cover up their negative effects?  Do you remember when cigarette companies convinced many people (including doctors) that smoking was not bad for you?  Have you actually watched any of the content that has been “fact-checked for your protection” (censored to keep you ignorant)?  Are you acting based on many data points and sources, or response-based emotional triggering from repeated media narratives and guilt trips?  Is it smarter to act with much more information and examples, or less?  Is your first reaction to attack and call people names who seem to think differently than you, or do you actually listen to them and understand their point of view?  Have you heard about all the people having adverse reactions to vaccines, or does your “news” never mention those?  Does keeping information from the public seem like a positive strategy, or a negative one?  Do you know that the military-industrial complex is deeply embedded and involved in politics, media, tech companies, schools, the medical community, etc.?  Do you remember the infamous Trojan Horse that seemed like a gift but was secretly a weapon?  Do you actually believe that vaccines are 100% safe for all people and cannot possibly contain any harmful ingredients?  Are you not aware just how many harmful ingredients are in food, drink, air, and drugs that people consume?  Why would vaccines be any different?  Are you trusting people based on their appearance, job title, or air of authority?  Is it wise to blindly and obediently follow an organization or anyone wearing a suit or white coat?  How can any group of people make rules that apply to all others when everyone has their own lives, beliefs, paths, bodies, situations, and abilities?  Are you thinking for yourself, or just doing what has been repeated to you over and over?

I no longer listen to or watch “the news” ever since I learned years ago that it is just as unhealthy and tainted as a lot of the food and drink people consume.  I used to listen to NPR while driving; but now every time I stop on that station, I hear how people are being deceived and manipulated.  Most mainstream media is constantly talking about vaccinations in the same way: as if they are all you need to be healthy, as if diet and stress don’t matter, as if you have no natural immune system, as if there have never been any negative effects of any drugs, as if anyone who does not get a vaccine is a threat to the entire planet, as if anyone who does not trust them is crazy or a terrorist, as if any other opinion than what they say is wrong.  These are clear signs of propaganda, aggressive marketing, and psychological warfare; but some people have fallen for it so they go right along with the programming because it’s all they know.

Do yourself a favor; when you discover just how much you and countless others have been lied to, forgive the liars and yourself for believing the lies.  Some liars are very convincing and persistent, making it harder for many to perceive the deception.  Those who believe the lies end up lying to others even though they think are telling the truth.  As your consciousness expands, you discover more truths AND lies, and you recognize that some of what you thought to be true is not.  This is why forgiveness is so important not only of others, but of yourself.  It is a recognition that neither you, nor anyone else knows everything.  It is accepting that you have been operating under the illusion of knowledge, and in seeing that, you are better off (though initially, it can be jarring to adjust to a whole new reality or level of awareness).  Forgiveness prevents you from reacting out of a sense of revenge or punishment, which only creates more negativity.  Ego limits many people from recognizing their own limitations and ignorance.  The more you learn, the less ignorant you become, but also the more ignorant you realize you are.  The universe is infinite and ever-evolving, and there is ALWAYS more to learn.  Eventually you reach a point where you no longer need forgiveness because there is nothing to forgive; you understand exactly why everything is as it is.

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